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XI3002: Information & Communication Tools in Nursing Practices: Evaluate information and communication technology tools used in the care of patients, communities, and populations.

XI3002: Information & Communication Tools in Nursing Practices: Evaluate information
and communication technology tools used in the care of patients, communities, and

XI3002 Performance Task Submission Template
Module 1: Information and Communication Tools in Nursing Practice
Choose a social media platform (i.e., X, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, TikTok). Create a
social media post to address healthcare misinformation using a relevant digital tool (For
example, if you chose Instagram, you may create an image or video. If you chose
Facebook, you may write a post that includes an image, video, and/or graphic).
1. State which social media platform you chose and explain why you chose it.

2. Explain what type of “misinformation” you chose to address. Explain why you think it
may be classified as “misinformation.” Be specific and support your claims with
factual information.

3. Share your social media post below. Do not post in the actual platform.

4. Explain your rationale for the post based on best practices of using social networking
applications in addressing health misinformation.

5. Write a short paragraph discussing misinformation in online environments and how it
may impact patient safety.


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