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The rapid emergence of social media as social networking sites

  The rapid emergence of social media as social networking sites, blogs/microblogs, forums, question answering services, and online communities provide a wealth of information about public
The post The rapid emergence of social media as social networking sites first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


The rapid emergence of social media as social networking sites, blogs/microblogs, forums, question answering services, and online communities provide a wealth of information about public opinion on various aspects of healthcare that could be exploited by analytics to reveal trends. A huge amount of data posted on social media can be used to divulge information that can be leveraged to make useful inferences about population health and public opinion.

Write a research paper that evaluates the role of analytics in assessing the role of social media in monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic, opinions of the public about precautionary measures (masks, social distancing), and vaccination attitude against COVID-19. Include a discussion on analytics tools were used to process the data and how statistically significant the conclusions made are? Why? Were they used for any policy decisions during the pandemic?

The post The rapid emergence of social media as social networking sites first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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