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BUS4010 : Contemporary Business Environment Company Appraisal

Module Code: BUS4010 Module Title: Contemporary Business Environment Maximum word count: 2000 words Assignment Task The assessment will take the form of a company appraisal by searching international businesses of your choice with accessible corporate site resources to fulfil the needs of the assignment. You should research widely using a range of academic and industry … Read more

BTM5IRM Introduction to Research methods Critical Review Assignment

Module Code: BTM5IRM Module Title: Introduction to Research methods Assignment type: Critical Review Word-Count: 4000 words Assignment Requirements Students are required to start developing Critical Literature Review, which is the first part of their research proposal for Level 6. Students will independently select their research field, aligning it with their professional and personal goals within … Read more

FDY3004 Advancing Your Academic Skill – Portfolio of Tasks

Module Code: FDY3004 Module Title: Advancing Your Academic Skill Portfolio of Tasks Portfolio Task A: Essay (1500 words) (LOs 1, 2 and 3) Social Sciences Pathway: Referring to the viewpoints expressed in the three sources in the given source pack, write a short essay answering this question: To what extent does sport unify people? Leadership … Read more

FDY3005 Becoming an Effective Leader

Module Code: FDY3005 Module Title: Becoming an Effective Leader Maximum word count: 2000 words Assignment Task In this module assessment, you will show your understanding of what is needed to effectively lead and manage a new start up business. You are an entrepreneur looking to start a new business, and you come across a competition … Read more

LCBB4012 : Academic Skills – Individual Written Report

Module Code: LCBB4012 Module Title: Academic Skills Component 1: Coursework: Individual Written Report Produce an individual academic report on the importance of Time Management for academic success. The report should include the following structure: Cover page: Include the title of the assignment, your name, student ID number, module name and code, Lecturer’s name. Table of … Read more

You have been working with a local law enforcement agency. Over the past two years there have been some issues with hearsay evidence. Your task is to conduct a case review to determine what hearsay is and what is not.

Unit 2 – Individual Project (60 points) Due: Tue, Feb 18 | Description You will create this assignment following the Assignment Detail instructions below. Review the tutorial How to Submit an Individual Project. Assignment Details You have been working with a local law enforcement agency. Over the past two years there have been some issues … Read more

Sorting Algorithm & Non-linear Data Structure Scenario: E-commerce business Having created the classes, tested them with sample data and created a linked list with product information, you should sort the linked list in descending order from largest to smallest values, printing out both the values and the text labels. You cannot

Sorting Algorithm & Non-linear Data Structure Scenario: E-commerce business Having created the classes, tested them with sample data and created a linked list with product information, you should sort the linked list in descending order from largest to smallest values, printing out both the values and the text labels. You cannot use built-in sorting functions … Read more

 Advocating to Educate on Community Resources to Support Social Determinants of Health What are significant social needs in your community and how can you help? Through your professional role as a nurse, as well as personal interactions as a community member, you likely have insight into issues that impact certain populations. Chances are you also see

INSTRUCTIONS Advocating to Educate on Community Resources to Support Social Determinants of Health What are significant social needs in your community and how can you help? Through your professional role as a nurse, as well as personal interactions as a community member, you likely have insight into issues that impact certain populations. Chances are you … Read more

PART 2 ( USE TEMPLATE Equitable and Ethical Population Health Policies Paper Select from the following topics: Homeless veterans Migrants and health issues Pregnant Teens Elderly and mental health American Indians and o

Annotated Bibliography: Equitable and Ethical Population Health Policies   PART 2 ( USE TEMPLATE Equitable and Ethical Population Health Policies Paper Select from the following topics: Homeless veterans Migrants and health issues Pregnant Teens Elderly and mental health American Indians and opioid addiction A population of your choice as approved by your faculty After selecting … Read more


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