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Your group is part of a vehicle body design start-up company specialized in designing vehicles’ body to improve their aerodynamics. You are given a budget of £20,000 to create an optimum design and shape for the Sinclair C5 Alien body.

CIS040-3 Assignment 1 Automotive Systems and Design Brief Category Assignment Subject Engineering University ……………. Module Title Automotive Systems and Design Assignment Brief The Scenario Your group is part of a vehicle body design start-up company specialized in designing vehicles’ body to improve their aerodynamics. You are given a budget of £20,000 to create an optimum … Read more

You are working for a leading accountancy firm. Your Manager has asked you to prepare the first draft of the manual for the client as one of the clients called EverJoy Enterprises (UK) who operates in leisure and entertainment industry

ACC20007 Management Accounting for Planning and Control Assignment | EverJoy Enterprises Category Assignment Subject Accounting University —————- Module Title ACC20007 Management Accounting for Planning and Control Assignment Brief: Task 1 – (LO1) You are working for a leading accountancy firm. Your Manager has asked you to prepare the first draft of the manual for the … Read more

You are required to create a 3500 words (±10%) personal and professional reflective portfolio of written work that addresses ONE negotiated organisational issue through a supporting log of evidence that demonstrates

Assignment Brief Purpose of the Assessment The purpose of this assessment is to enable you demonstrate your experience, learning and professional  development in a work-setting through critical reflection and analysis. You will develop knowledge of, and  application of consultation skills and learn how to work collaboratively to address a live organisational issue or  live project  … Read more

Assignment Brief : Organization Selected : TESCO Task Requirements With the help of CW1 and feedback given by the lecturer, you are required to complete the portfolio.

Assignment Brief : Organization Selected : TESCO Task Requirements With the help of CW1 and feedback given by the lecturer, you are required to complete the portfolio. Paper 2 (CW2): This paper must include SWOT analysis and the ways that impact upon functional areas of the TWO firms. For instance: Marketing, Operations, HRM, Finance and … Read more

What is the HITH program? How might this service benefit Naomi? Note, information to answer this question is not contained in the module content; however, the program is relevant to the case so extend your search.

PHE5SCC Service Coordination & Case Management Notebook Activities Assessment 2 Instructions You can answer the notebook activity question either in this document or on a separate word file and submit electronically via Turnitin on the LMS page. As a guide, each notebook activity should be no more than 500 words, making the maximum word count … Read more

Assignment task paper- LM L7 CE01 Professional Development Plan : L7 Leadership Mindset Assessment Brief

LM L7 CE01 Professional Development Plan : L7 Leadership Mindset Assessment Brief Category Assignment Subject Management University University of Law Module Title L7 Leadership Mindset ASSIGNMENT DETAILS In order to complete the assignment, you will need to begin by seeking feedback about your strengths and weaknesses from reliable sources. You should ask between 4-6 individuals … Read more

Assessment Task You are employed as the Financial Director in the finance division of a corporation that is registered in the FTSE 100 of the London Stock Exchange

BU7403 Finance for Managers Assignment Brief | University of Chester Assessment Task You are employed as the Financial Director in the finance division of a corporation that is registered in the FTSE 100 of the London Stock Exchange (https://www.londonstockexchange.com/indices/ftse-100/constituents/table). The Board of Directors has asked you to write a business report of 4,000 words on … Read more

Critically review the contemporary literature to discuss some particular problems/issues that can be addressed to improve business performance using predictive or prescriptive analytics with structured and unstructured data in a specific industry

EBUS622 Big Data Management Assignment | University of Liverpool Category Assignment Subject Computer Science University University of Liverpool Module Title EBUS622 Big Data Management Requirements for assignment: Write a report to: Section 1 (90 points)  (1a) Critically review the contemporary literature to discuss some particular problems/issues that can be addressed to improve business performance using … Read more

Choose a disrupted sector or company (preferably in a highly competitive or volatile market) where digital technologies have reshaped the business landscape. Discuss the current state of the sector or company, including market size, target customers,

EBUS603 Digital Business Technology and Management Assignment 1 Brief | University of Liverpool Assignment Requirements: The rapid advancement of digital technologies has caused significant disruptions across various industries. Companies are required to adopt innovative digital solutions to remain competitive and meet evolving customer demands. In this assignment, you will critically analyse the digital transformation within … Read more

Evidence deep understanding of, and ability to reflect critically on, chosen  research approach, process and feedback.   MO6: Critically analyse data and consider the significance of the research findings to  produce practical

UMADXB-60-M Project and Research Methods – Accounting and Finance Category Assignment Subject Accounting University University of the West of England Bristol (UWE Bristol) Module Title UMADXB-60-M Project and Research Methods – Accounting and Finance Module learning outcomes assessed by this task: MO1: Demonstrate an ethical approach to project management to plan and execute a  significant … Read more


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