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Choose one company listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX), excluding the financial sector (such as banks and insurance companies). Preferably, select a company from the following sectors:   • Consumer Discretionar

ACCT600 Accounting for Decision Making Assessment Australian Catholic University Category Assignment Subject Accounting University Australian Catholic University Module Title Accounting for Decision Making Assessment Overview This assessment task requires students to evaluate data and information from a variety of sources and  perspectives through research, integration, and real-world analysis of organisational annual reports,  including financial statement … Read more

A critique of the idea of leadership about the student’s own organisation and their own practice. (LO2 and LO3). The purpose of this part of the portfolio is to critically analyse models of leadership and management in

MGT9711 Leading and Developing People Assessment University of Lincoln Category Assignment Subject Management University University of Lincoln Module Title Leading and Developing People Description of Assessment Task and Purpose     The assessment for this module consists of two parts. Part 1 is a critique of the idea of leadership in relation to your own organisation and … Read more

This requires you to reflect on your personal and skills development and produce an Action Plan for the year. You should use the activities from the workshops provided by this modu

BMGT 7046 Developing Skills for Business Leadership Assessment Brief 2023 Category Assignment Subject Business University Oxford Brookes University Module Title BMGT 7046 Developing Skills for Business Leadership About This Assignment The Coursework assignments aim to enable you to produce your Action  Plan for your Personal Development and then execute it during the time of your … Read more

Describe common types of medication including their effects and potential side effects. 2.2 Identify medication that demands specific physiological measurements. 2.3 Describe the common adverse reactions

Assignment Brief: This assignment aims to assess your comprehensive understanding and competency in administering medication to individuals while monitoring its effects. The unit “Administer Medication to Individuals and Monitor the Effects” encompasses several key learning outcomes, including understanding legislation, policy, and procedures relevant to medication administration, knowledge about common types of medication and their use, … Read more

This assignment uses a secondary school as a setting for prevention of NCDs  associated with overweight and obesity in adolescents. The task involves an extensive  whole

This assignment uses a secondary school as a setting for prevention of NCDs  associated with overweight and obesity in adolescents. The task involves an extensive  whole of school initiative that targets all children in the school. Students will work as  Public Health Officers working on the planning, implementation and evaluation of this  intervention. Students will … Read more

Write a 500-word treatment of your proposed idea for a short script OR a proposal for a short documentary. A treatment is an account in present-tense prose of what the viewer will see and hear in your film.

Write a 500-word treatment of your proposed idea for a short script OR a proposal for a short documentary. A treatment is an account in present-tense prose of what the viewer will see and hear in your film.   It should include: what is happening to whom it is happening where it is happening (location) … Read more

You are working as part of a team of government health and safety inspectors. Your team leader has allocated the team to visit a range of different science organisations, e.g. a pharmaceutical company, a company

Assignment Brief  You are working as part of a team of government health and safety inspectors. Your team leader has allocated the team to visit a range of different science organisations, e.g. a pharmaceutical company, a company that produces plastics, and a cosmetic company and report on the health and safety practices within these organisations. … Read more

Using EITHER the Theory of Planned Behaviour OR the Technology Acceptance Model, evaluate the impact of the rising influence of sustainable consumption on consumer behaviour in o

Using EITHER the Theory of Planned Behaviour OR the Technology Acceptance Model, evaluate the impact of the rising influence of sustainable consumption on consumer behaviour in one country and one sector/industry of your choice. From your evaluation, draw conclusions and recommendations on how marketing to consumers will need to adapt to consumer demand. What is … Read more

This involves examining how deep learning principles and models can be effectively incorporated into existing IT infrastructures, such as data processing pipelines, cloud platforms, and other

This involves examining how deep learning principles and models can be effectively incorporated into existing IT infrastructures, such as data processing pipelines, cloud platforms, and other systems. It encompasses scalability, efficiency, security, compliance, and ethical implications. The goal is to leverage deep learning techniques to enhance IT operations, decision-making processes, and overall performance within organizational … Read more

Task 2a – Presenting your business plan Produce and deliver an electronic presentation that summarises all elements of your business plan. The production of your presentation must include: A summary of all eleme

Instructions This assessment may be given to learners as soon as it is received. It is for use with the May 2025 – June 2025 moderation series. Please refer to the Administrative Support Guide for further information and mark submission deadlines. Instructions to Learners You should read carefully the information given in the vocational context … Read more


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