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Using EITHER the Theory of Planned Behaviour OR the Technology Acceptance Model, evaluate the impact of the rising influence of sustainable consumption on consumer behaviour in o

Using EITHER the Theory of Planned Behaviour OR the Technology Acceptance Model, evaluate the impact of the rising influence of sustainable consumption on consumer behaviour in one country and one sector/industry of your choice. From your evaluation, draw conclusions and recommendations on how marketing to consumers will need to adapt to consumer demand. What is … Read more

This involves examining how deep learning principles and models can be effectively incorporated into existing IT infrastructures, such as data processing pipelines, cloud platforms, and other

This involves examining how deep learning principles and models can be effectively incorporated into existing IT infrastructures, such as data processing pipelines, cloud platforms, and other systems. It encompasses scalability, efficiency, security, compliance, and ethical implications. The goal is to leverage deep learning techniques to enhance IT operations, decision-making processes, and overall performance within organizational … Read more

Task 2a – Presenting your business plan Produce and deliver an electronic presentation that summarises all elements of your business plan. The production of your presentation must include: A summary of all eleme

Instructions This assessment may be given to learners as soon as it is received. It is for use with the May 2025 – June 2025 moderation series. Please refer to the Administrative Support Guide for further information and mark submission deadlines. Instructions to Learners You should read carefully the information given in the vocational context … Read more

Describe the basic theories, principles and practice of marketing related to the international aviation industry. LO2: Explain theories, principles and practice related to consumer behaviour in the international aviation industry.

Assignment Brief  Your task is to write an integrated marketing campaign (IMC) for an aviation organisation. This will be presented in report format, is 3,000 words in total, and 70% towards the overall grade on this module. You should choose your aviation organisation, then check and agree this with your tutor before starting to develop … Read more

Demonstrate a broad awareness and understanding of the trends, causes and outcomes of the major health and lifestyle issues that have a major impact on the health of the UK population. 2. Research, synthesise and

Module aims The aims of the module are to introduce students to the study of some of the major health conditions and lifestyle behaviours in the UK. It will aim to provide a core of knowledge regarding major health and lifestyle issues, including discussions of some of the current UK policies and strategies intended to … Read more

Task 1 You will need to research a number of large businesses of 250+ employees to choose one to write about. Using your research, write a case study that analyzes and evaluates the recruitment and selection processes

Level 3 A1 Unit 8: The Recruitment and Selection Process of a Large Business, BTEC Assignment Brief Category Assignment Subject Business University __________ Module Title Unit 8: The Recruitment and Selection Process BTEC Assignment Brief Unit 8: The Recruitment and Selection Process Learning aim(s) A: Examine how effective recruitment and selection contribute to business success … Read more

Use an appropriate design tool to design a relational database system for a substantial problem  Identify the user and system requirements of the FoodHub Company System.

Assignment Brief Unit Learning Outcomes LO1: Use an appropriate design tool to design a relational database system for a substantial problemLO2: Create a Design document for the total system of the given scenario. Transferable skills and competencies developed Computing-related cognitive skills: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of essential facts, concepts, principles, and theories relating to computing and … Read more

An analysis of where your chosen organization is now using appropriate models to audit the current situation. An overview of where the organization wants to be. Including SMART-related objectives.

NBS-7109B Strategic Marketing Management Summative Assessment Brief 2023-24 Category Assignment Subject Marketing University University of East Anglia Module Title NBS-7109B Strategic Marketing Management Introduction An analysis of where your chosen organization is now using appropriate models to audit the current situation. An overview of where the organization wants to be. Including SMART-related objectives. Critical analysis … Read more

Unit Title: Working in Partnership in Health and Social Care Unit Learning Outcomes    LO 1 Understand the features of partnership working. Task Assessment Criteria to be covered    1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 1.4 Partnership working in

Assignment Brief and Guidance Unit Title: Working in Partnership in Health and Social Care Unit Learning Outcomes    LO 1 Understand the features of partnership working. Task Assessment Criteria to be covered    1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 1.4 Partnership working in health and social care brings together separate organisations so that they can benefit from pooled … Read more

An outline of the potential hazards present in each selected department, linking these hazards to the health and safety measures implemented. An explanation of how adhering to the organization’s specific health and safety

Assignment Brief  You are working as part of a team of government health and safety inspectors. Your team leader has allocated the team to visit a range of different science organisations, e.g. a pharmaceutical company, a company that produces plastics, and a cosmetic company and report on the health and safety practices within these organisations. … Read more


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