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Identify a real-world challenge affecting the sector or company, and make a recommendation by applying any tool or techniques learnt from the module in which an improvement in might be achieved in their

Assignment Brief and Front Sheet PGT This front sheet for assignments is designed to contain the brief, the submission instructions, and the actual student submission for any WMG assignment. As a result the sheet is completed by several people over time, and is therefore split up into sections explaining who completes what information and when. … Read more

UNIT CMI 509 Assessment Brief: Managing Stakeholder Relationships

Assessment Brief Managing Stakeholder Relationships Key Information for Learners Each task in this assessment brief has been developed to enable you to evidence achievement of the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for CMI 509: Managing Stakeholder Relationships. Each assessment criterion must gain a pass outcome for you to successfully achieve the unit. Preparation for the … Read more

This assessment aims to achieve the following subject learning outcomes LO1 Describe the main technologies, models and protocols used in data communications and networking. LO2 Explain the purpose and

Assessment Description  This assessment requires you to demonstrate your understanding and ability to explain key concepts from Weeks 1 to 3. Your tutorial must be a written tutorial document, and it should accurately reflect and expand upon the material, fitting into the broader subject learning outcomes.   This assessment aims to achieve the following subject learning … Read more

BEN02 Planning and Presenting a Micro-Enterprise Idea BTEC Level 1/2

Instructions This assessment may be given to learners as soon as it is received. It is for use with the May 2025 – June 2025 moderation series. Please refer to the Administrative Support Guide for further information and mark submission deadlines. Instructions to Learners You should read carefully the information given in the vocational context … Read more

Create a fifteen-minute presentation that discusses the meaning of the term “Sustainable Tourism”, evaluates the barriers to the implementation of

Assignment Task Create a fifteen-minute presentation that discusses the meaning of the term “Sustainable Tourism”, evaluates the barriers to the implementation of Sustainable Tourism in Madagascar and identifies, then justifies, two innovative sustainable tourism policies to be implemented by a tourism organization in Madagascar.  Question 1: What is the meaning of Sustainable Tourism? Provide definitions … Read more

BTEC Unit 35: Engineering Services Delivery Plan for Sector-Specific Organizations | HND Level 5 Assignment 2

Assignment 2 Brief: 1. Engineering Services Delivery Plan (Covers P3) What are the key phases of your engineering services delivery plan? Describe the main steps in your plan (e.g., initial planning, procurement, implementation, and handover). Include timelines, milestones, and responsibilities. How does your plan address sector-specific requirements (e.g., Building Regulations, BS Standards, Health & Safety … Read more

FE7061A : International Logistics – Assessment 1 Group Presentation

Module Code: FE7061A Module Title: International Logistics Summative Assessment 1 : Group Presentation Minimum 5 slides, maximum 12 slides Assessment Tasks In your groups, you will choose a topic or an idea relevant to international logistics or supply chain and find TWO academic articles on this topic that do not fully agree. Students can organise … Read more

TQUK Level 3 Administering Medication and Monitoring Effects in Adult Care Assignment

Assignment Brief: This assignment aims to assess your comprehensive understanding and competency in administering medication to individuals while monitoring its effects. The unit “Administer Medication to Individuals and Monitor the Effects” encompasses several key learning outcomes, including understanding legislation, policy, and procedures relevant to medication administration, knowledge about common types of medication and their use, … Read more


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