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Assignment paper- BABM2006 Reflection of Learning Work-Based Management Project Assignment Brief

BABM2006 Reflection of Learning Work-Based Management Project Assignment Brief Category Assignment Subject Management University De Montfort University Module Title BABM2006 Work-Based Management Project Assignment Introduction Design a logo, poster and 90 second viral video for a reusable water bottle to encourage people to reduce their  use of single-use plastic. The starting point of any work … Read more

FE7061QA International Logistics Summative Assessment 2 Essay

Module Code: FE7061QA Module Title: International Logistics Summative Assessment 2 Essay Word limit: 1,500 words Assessment 2 Tasks Students will have a research topic and a list of citable academic literature from assessment 1. Individually, you will now create a research question by taking the research topic from assessment 1 and add additional keywords in … Read more

For the purpose of this assessment the Toyota’s Woven city project (Living Laboratory) will be used. You are required to conduct independent research on Woven City project to compile this portfolio. Your task i

Industry 5.0 Portfolio (3000 words) Assessment Brief | University Of Salford Manchester Category Portfolio Subject Marketing University University of Salford Module Title Industry 5.0 Assessment Assessment Instructions For the purpose of this assessment the Toyota’s Woven city project (Living Laboratory) will be used. You are required to conduct independent research on Woven City project to … Read more

to create a 500-word podcast advertising a talk to an audience of 1st year undergraduate students on a literature BA who are invited to attend a special lecture  (B) to create a 500-word a podca

EN7241 – Short Recorded Talk for a General Audience: Authorship and Authority: Assessment 1 Instructions Category Assignment Subject English Literature University Module Title EN7241 Authorship and Authority Assignment Brief  This assessment is due by 12 noon on 19 February 2025 and is worth 10% of the module mark.The assessment is to create a 500-word audio … Read more

GMDGBS206 : International Business Law Assignment Brief

Module Code: GMDGBS206 Module Title: International Business Law Written assignment (scenarios) : 3000 words The Summative Assessment will be composed by three scenarios that will allow you to demonstrate your knowledge of analysis of corporate internationalisation and the challenges of operating across borders. Part 1: The below scenarios will align with Learning Outcomes 1 & … Read more

NCFE Level 3 Roles and Responsibilities in Health And Social Care

External Assessment Task Grading Criteria Criteria Explanation D1 – Explain why the title is relevant to service users within a health and social care setting. Two or more reasons must be explained to show the relevance of the title to service users in a health and social care setting. D2 – Describe effective practice that … Read more

Assignment Option (A) – Social Network Analysis. Requirement This assignment investigates Social Network Analysis and requires you to evaluate a network of company directors.

BEAM079 Coding Analytics for Accounting and Finance Assignment | UOE Category Assignment Subject Accounting University University of Exeter Module Title BEAM079: Coding Analytics for Accounting and Finance Assignment Option (A) – Social Network Analysis. Requirement This assignment investigates Social Network Analysis and requires you to evaluate a network of company directors. Using data from BoardEx (available … Read more


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