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GBEN4004 – Introduction to Strategic Management Assignment brief

Module Code : GBEN4004 Module Title : Introduction to Strategic Management Individual Written Report : 2,500 words 2500 Words | Mark 100%) (LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4) Individual Report  Choose ONE organisation from the list of Multinational Companies (MNC’s) provided below: List of Multinational Companies Apple British Airways IKEA Uber Write a 2,500-word report for your … Read more

you are required to produce a 1,500-word blog for an airline organisation you are ‘working for’. You may choose which airline you would like to represent. The blog will be presented in th

Assignment Brief you are required to produce a 1,500-word blog for an airline organisation you are ‘working for’. You may choose which airline you would like to represent. The blog will be presented in the form of an internal newsletter blog and it will be emailed to employees within the sales and marketing department of … Read more

BMA6106 New Trends in Management Assignment brief

Module Code : BMA6106 Module Title : New Trends in Management Assessment1: Approx.3000 words, -/+10% (Individual). Assessment 2: Group seminar recorded (3-5 members per group). Component 1 Individual Contribution to Discussion Board & Reflective Summary (3000 words) Overview of task: You are required to research, write, and post contributions to the class discussion board in … Read more


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