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Study of Jude. This paper will focus on the study of a book that is often overlooked by the church, but its message is highly relevant to what the church is facing in our culture. The project is to include the following…. Instruction Discuss the key eleme

Study of Jude. This paper will focus on the study of a book that is often overlooked by the church, but its message is highly relevant to what the church is facing in our culture. The project is to include the following….
Discuss the key elements of the epistle: Who is the author, identify him, his family, and why he is the author. What is the date? Give the reasons why you chose your date? And how does this book relate to second Peter? Develop a detailed outline of the book or a lesson plan that could be taught in and Sunday school class. Turabian Format Introduction page 1400 words Margins: 1 inch on each side Font: 12pt, Ariel, double spaced Footnotes instead of in text citations Sources cited Bibliography page Key elements: 75pts Outline or lesson plan: 125pts


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