Analyzing Data
Complete the following prompts using this template for organizing your paper. You should include citations and references in APA format. I included examples of correct APA formatting on the reference page. Formatting requirements: please delete all instructional bullets once you have reviewed and inserted your own content and references on the reference page.
Part One: Data Analysis
- Go to the County Health Rankings website and explore the health outcomes/health factors data for the county where you reside. You will use your zip code.
- Analyze and discuss the available data, compare county data to state and national benchmarks in the discussion.
- Identify potential reasons for disparity or similarities between two health outcomes.
- (This section should be one page in length, written in paragraph format with complete sentences and use of the data statistics, with at least two scholarly references cited).
- Formatting requirement: Delete the bullet instructions once your content has been inserted.
Part Two: Population Health Care Initiative
- Describe one population health care initiative that could improve health outcomes or reduce factors that affect health outcomes in a particular county- use the county as identified in part 1.
- (This section should be 1-2 pages in length, written in paragraph format with complete sentences, with at least one scholarly reference cited).
- Formatting requirement: Delete these bullet instructions once your content has been inserted.
Part Three: Nurse Leaders Use of Data
- Describe how nurse leaders/administrators use data to measure performance and care outcomes, include examples of data measures and benchmarking tools.
- Discuss how data is used in your area of practice.
- Summarize how you have used data to determine care outcomes in your role as a practicing nurse
- (This section should be at least 1-2 pages in length, written in paragraph format with complete sentences, with at least two scholarly references cited).
- Formatting requirement: Delete these bullet instructions once your content has been inserted.