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Central Healthcare System

  Consider the following scenario: Central Healthcare System (CHS) operates 12 hospital facilities within the service area and manages all of their own administrative, management, and
The post Central Healthcare System first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


Consider the following scenario:
Central Healthcare System (CHS) operates 12 hospital facilities within the service area and manages all of their own administrative, management, and operational functions in-house. Human Resources staff have alerted CHS administrators that there have been higher than usual rates of hospital staff turnover in recent months and that it has been difficult to ensure that all shifts are fully staffed. Several clinical leaders have also mentioned to administrators that the tone of department meetings has grown increasingly negative and that there is a pervasive sense of discouragement and fatigue amongst frontline staff. CHS healthcare administrators are concerned about these developments, but they are unsure which potential action steps will most effectively address them. They resolve to review the literature on employee burnout, examine existing internal data, and collect additional data from frontline staff to develop a comprehensive understanding of the problem that will help them make an evidence-based decision.
In this scenario, CHS administrators are at the beginning of a data-driven decision-making process. They have just learned about a staff-burnout problem and outlined preliminary data collection steps that will provide them with a comprehensive understanding to guide future action. What kinds of data do you think CHS leaders need to fully understand the burnout problem and underlying causes? Where are the various types of needed data located? How should CHS leaders organize the data they collect into a format that provides meaningful context? In this Assignment, you will apply your knowledge of data-driven decision-making to develop a data collection and organization plan for Central Healthcare System leaders to inform their decision-making on staff burnout.

Draft a 6- to 7-page paper in which you analyze the data collection and organization that the healthcare administration leaders in the scenario could undertake to make a data-driven decision. Within your paper, include the following:
• Describe data collection from the literature:
o Describe the data that need to be collected from the literature to inform the decision and explain how you would collect it.
o Describe how you would approach this type of search of the literature, including your search strategy, databases used, and search terms used.
o Identify 3 or 4 empirical research articles that would support a decision for this scenario (include properly formatted references for each).
o Assess how the literature-search strategy would inform decision-making for the scenario.
• Describing HSO data collection:
o Describe the data (both quantitative and qualitative) that need to be collected from the HSO to inform the decision. These includes data that may be found within administrative records, electronic health records, or other such databases and data that have yet to be collected, such as through surveys or focus groups.
o Describe where each piece of the data is located and explain how you would collect it. Include descriptive information for each piece of data, as well as the best way to collect it (e.g., through surveys or focus groups).
o Assess how the data results would inform decision-making for this scenario. In your explanation, evaluate the strengths and limitations of the data results and implications for decision-making.
• Organizing the data:
o Explain strategies you would use to organize the data from the literature and the different types of HSO data to inform the decision-making process.

The post Central Healthcare System first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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