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What Are the Advantages of Applying Computer Technology in Healthcare?     B. What Are the Benefits of Online Learning for University Students? C. How Does Music Influence People’s Mood and Emotions?

Write an exemplification essay of no fewer than 500 words and no more than 700 words on one of the topics from the list provided below. Do not change the titles of the essay. Use the same ones from the list.

1. Type of essay: Exemplification.

2. Topic: Select one of the following topics:

    A. What Are the Advantages of Applying Computer Technology in Healthcare?

    B. What Are the Benefits of Online Learning for University Students?

    C. How Does Music Influence People’s Mood and Emotions?

    D. Is Veganism a Solution for Health Problems?

    E. Are Streaming Services (Netflix, Max, Peacock, etc.) Destroying Cable T.V?

3. The essay should have five (5) paragraphs only, no fewer than 500 words, and no more than 700 words.

4. The thesis statement must mention 3 points/reasons to be developed in the body paragraphs. It must be underlined.

Example of a thesis: College students should live at home because they can stay in touch with family, avoid distractions of dorm or apartment life, and save money.

5. FormatMLA (use the template and frame that are attached in the folder on Exemplification and MLA)

6. Documentation: You must use at least three (3) sources from reliable databases to document the information provided. There must be at least one in-text citation in each of the body paragraphs.

    (Do NOT use Wikipedia, Yahoo.com as sources).


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