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My Assignment Task- Applying Findings from a Qualitative Research Study to Nursing Practice (11 slides, 5 to 8 minutes) Select an article from a list of seven, based on a topic of your interest. Topics included are women’s health, mental health, veteran care, prisoner population, pediatrics, community health, and medical-surgical.

Applying Findings from a Qualitative Research Study to Nursing Practice (11 slides, 5 to 8 minutes) Select an article from a list of seven, based on a topic of your interest. Topics included are women’s health, mental health, veteran care, prisoner population, pediatrics, community health, and medical-surgical.

Women's Health

Imagine you are conducting a “lunch and learn” session for your colleagues at your place of employment. You would like to share findings from a recent study on a topic that you think is applicable to nursing practice. Create a PowerPoint presentation that explains the implications of the research study you selected for nursing practice.

The slides should contain the following:

1. Title Slide

2. Summary of Research Study

3. Research Design

4. Sample Population and Selection Methods

5. Data Collection Methods


6. Data Analysis Method and Results

7. Strengths of Study (including methods)

8. Weaknesses of Study (including methods)

9. Conclusion: Impact of Study on Nursing Practice

10. Reference Slide with citation for selected article in APA format

All text on the presentations should be in your own words. You should not copy and paste any

information directly from the article. Cite all sources in APA format and include a reference page

on the last slide. Record your PowerPoint presentation using the Brightspace recording tool.

Submit a 5- to 8-minute video of your presentation. In addition, generate a PDF document with

your slide notes and submit it as a separate file.

Record your PowerPoint presentation with a voiceover. You may also use the camera option to

add a talking head to your PowerPoint presentation.


Don`t copy text!
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