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JOHN is a 15-year-old Boy Who is Living in a Residential Unit with His Two Younger Siblings: Psychology & Well Being Assignment, UCC, Ireland

The topic of essay: Needs Assessment and Well Being

Using a Humanistic perspective outline how you would complete a needs assessment of wellbeing which highlights the health and social care needs of ONE of the service users below by answering the following two questions:

  1. Outline ONE Humanistic Theory (Rogers, Maslow) and how you would use it to identify the needs of your service user (500 words)
  2. Define wellbeing and describe how you would improve the physical and psychological wellbeing of your service user, based on research/learning from class (500 words)

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Choose one of the following service user scenarios.

JOHN is a 15-year-old boy who is living in a residential unit with his two younger siblings.

SARAH is a 40-year-old lady who attends a day service for people with intellectual disability four days per week and has a number of health issues.

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