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For this post, select a culture that is SIGNIFICANTLY DIFFERENT from your own th

For this post, select a culture that is SIGNIFICANTLY DIFFERENT from your own that is present in the world today (i.e., another society, religion, or group that you may actually encounter a member of) and investigate their views on death and dying, customs and rituals for mourning and disposition of the body, and any other details pertinent to that culture’s approach to death and dying. For example, if you are raised in a primarily Christian religion (any religion that incorporates the teachings of Jesus Christ) try a completely different religion that does not contain the teachings of Christ at all. If you were raised in a Buddhist household, the select a non-Buddhist tradition to explore. Keep in mind – “Mexican” vs “American” Catholicism are both Christian customs so will not count. Baptist and Catholics are also Christian based cultures. Also, if you select “Native American” you need to select the actual TRIBE that you are studying because of the vast differences in the varying Tribes in America and their customs.

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