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With reference to the archaeological evidence of the region, why did it take nearly 4000 years for the earliest cities to emerge in the Near East after the origins of farming? Please log on to my VLE and go to Second Year (au): ARC00060I World Archaeology I: The Late Prehistory of Egypt and the Fertile Crescent and go to assessment instructions and it is the 1000 word FORMATIVE. it 1.5 spaced too please contact me for more details The link is: https://vle.york.ac.uk/webapps/blackboard/content/listContent.jsp?course_id=_95922_1&content_id=_3504498_1&mode=reset you have access to all the pre-recorded lectures and the required reading on here. please contact me if any problems.

With reference to the archaeological evidence of the region, why did it take nearly 4000 years for the earliest cities to emerge in the Near East after the origins of farming? Please log on to my VLE and go to Second Year (au): ARC00060I World Archaeology I: The Late Prehistory of Egypt and the Fertile Crescent and go to assessment instructions and it is the 1000 word FORMATIVE. it 1.5 spaced too please contact me for more details The link is: https://vle.york.ac.uk/webapps/blackboard/content/listContent.jsp?course_id=_95922_1&content_id=_3504498_1&mode=reset you have access to all the pre-recorded lectures and the required reading on here. please contact me if any problems.


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