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Task: Criteria 1 – Theoretical knowledge  Demonstrated ability to define key terms and utilise the theories and concepts relevant to their topic. Criteria 2 – Complex problem evaluation   Demonstrated critical understanding of the problems associated with the relevant contextual factor throughout the presentation and essay.


Criteria 1 – Theoretical knowledge

Demonstrated ability to define key terms and utilise the theories and concepts relevant to their topic.

Criteria 2 – Complex problem evaluation

Demonstrated critical understanding of the problems associated with the relevant contextual factor throughout the presentation and essay.

Criteria 3 – Creative solution

Recommendation of solutions regarding how organisations can deal with contemporary challenges posed by the relevant contextual factor.

Criteria 4 – Research efforts

Demonstrated strong key points in response to the chosen topic grounded in a wide breadth and quality of research by using a minimum of 8 academic sources.

Criteria 5 – Corporate examples

Demonstrated the strength and relevance of argument by incorporating at least TWO real life organisations

Criteria 6 – Presentation

Develop a concise and structured presentation to the required professional standard. Q&A session well handled.


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