Objectives: Research and design a training program for a specific training topic Develop appropriate lesson plan and hand-out materials to complement training Design a feedback sheet for your training session Training Design-10 marks You and your teammates are developing a Train-the-Trainer session for novice trainers. You will be instructing them on a specific type


  • Research and design a training program for a specific training topic
  • Develop appropriate lesson plan and hand-out materials to complement training
  • Design a feedback sheet for your training session

Training Design-10 marks

You and your teammates are developing a Train-the-Trainer session for novice trainers. You will be instructing them on a specific type of training method that can be used to train adults. You will need to pick a topic from a defined list (see below) and develop a training program including a detailed lesson plan for the session/topic. Focus on what the topic/ training method consists of, how to use it best, why use it, when is it best used, etc.


  1. Determine the content you will be covering. Research your topic by using the library, the internet and other sources to become familiar with how to describe the training method, the advantages and disadvantages of when to use it, etc.

Role Play –

  1. Write your session objectives. You must have a minimum of three learning objectives. Refer to Chapter 5 in your textbook for support.


  1. Determine your methods. You must use at least two (2) different methods in your design. I.e. Lecture would be one type. Refer to Chapters 6-8 in your textbook for support.


  1. Find an icebreaker to start with. Watch the timing and relevancy of this element! The icebreaker is not considered one of the training methods listed in #3.


  1. Develop a feedback sheet that will give you qualitative and quantitative information about: each facilitator’s training skills, content, icebreaker, and anything else you believe is important. Refer to Chapter 11 in your textbook for additional support.


  1. The time allotted is a TOTAL of 40 minutes. This means that you will have to determine how to design the program for 40 minute duration.


  1. A detailed lesson plan must be submitted as part of your training design. The lesson plan should include timing of content, sequencing of the content, speaker’s notes, the training methods most appropriate to achieve the learning outcomes, etc. It is critical that you include detailed speaking notes in your lesson plan – consider your speaker notes like an actual speech that a facilitator could use to teach the program. Refer to Chapter 9 in your textbook for support.


  1. Develop your session lesson plan, feedback sheet, and all instructional and participant materials. Your handout should include a bibliography


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