Your self-assessments require you to evaluate your progress towards achieving the course objectives.  Your report should identify the capabilities, understandings and knowledge you have added during the course and how your learning has affected your abilities as a member or leader of a group.   You should discuss the following questions in your self assessments.   What theo

Your self-assessments require you to evaluate your progress towards achieving the course objectives.  Your report should identify the capabilities, understandings and knowledge you have added during the course and how your learning has affected your abilities as a member or leader of a group.


You should discuss the following questions in your self assessments.

  • What theory or theories have you seen that relate most to this topic, for you?
  • What progress have you made in this area?
  • What evidence can you offer to prove your progress or learning?  Evidence should be specific actions you have taken in your group and the responses you received, along with the learning you gained from that experience.  For example, you might discuss personality by using an example of a specific interaction in your small group to demonstrate your point.


Do not just tell me what theory you learned.  Show me that you understand it by explaining how it appeared when applied to your experiences in your group work.


The objectives for MGT254 are:

  1. explain how groups develop and function effectively and relate this knowledge to work groups
  2. identify and use appropriate interventions to enhance group process
  3. discuss the pros and cons of different leadership styles and determine the appropriate leadership style to use in a given situation
  4. identify and assess the impact of their own personality and leadership style on other group members and on the group as a whole
  5. identify ways to motivate themselves and others
  6. solve problems, resolve conflicts and manage change as a group member
  7. demonstrate a working knowledge of group dynamics by analyzing a current group experience and by assessing their role in that group  


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