Include the following: aim of the report, include a few general statements about the subjects, etc. to provide a background.   Set out what digital disruption is Define digital disruption You can discuss about automation, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning etc. Set out how this will impact on the sector represented by your degree with emphasis on the role of data as a business to

Include the following: aim of the report, include a few general statements about the subjects, etc. to provide a background.

  1. Set out what digital disruption is

Define digital disruption

You can discuss about automation, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning etc.

  1. Set out how this will impact on the sector represented by your degree with emphasis on the role of data as a business tool

How digital disruption impacting/ will continue to impact businesses

Impacts of automation, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning etc.

Use examples such as on demand services (e.g. Uber)

Explain roles of data in business

  1. Define what this means in terms of types of jobs within the sector and the skills that will be required to build a successful career within it

How jobs will be impacted by digital technology/ disruption by automation/ Artificial Intelligence (AI)/ Machine Learning etc. in the sector/ profession that you would like to work?

What types of skills would be needed to build career as digital technology impacts the sector/ profession?

To accomplish task 4 and 5, your questionnaire and discussion guide can focus on the educational sector using LSST as a context that will enable you to collect primary data using your lecturer or any other professional within LSST as your participant. The educational industry is also being impacted by digital disruption, given that most lectures and seminars are now online due to the challenges associated with covid-19. Therefore, you should use your lecturer or any other professionals on campus, as the industry practitioner for point number 4 and 5.

  1. Write an online research questionnaire to be sent to an industry professional researching 1-3

Prepare about ten close ended questions. Please refer to the Q. 7 on brief for full guidelines on the questionnaire.

Two examples of question to ask and appropriate format:

1)Is there any significant impact of digital technology in education sector?

☒ Yes

☐ No

☐ Not sure

2)Do you think digitalisation of education will cause job losses within the sector in the next 10-15 years?

☐ Yes

☐ No

☒ May be

  1. Write a discussion guide for use in a face to face interview with an industry professional researching 1-3

You need to prepare a set of questions. Below is an example:

I am conducting this research to understand the impact of digitalisation on business. Currently, I am pursuing my Degree program and this study is part of my academic research.

Introduce yourself like this.

Questions to ask to your interviewee

Can you please introduce yourself?

How do you think digital technology will continue to impact education sector?


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