Project Plan Sample Format 1. Title: Use of RFID chips as body implants for contactless payment. 2. Rationale 1. Problem domain 2. Pur

Project Plan Sample Format
1. Title: Use of RFID chips as body implants for contactless payment.
2. Rationale
1. Problem domain
2. Purpose and justification
3. Supervisor Approval
4. Research Questions
5. Conceptual or Theoretical Framework
6. Methodology
1. Analysis of sources of information (EndNote, APA Referencing Style)
2. Research method(s)
3. Data collection or systems design methods
4. Ethical Issues
5. Compliance Requirements (Workplace, Industry or Government regulations)
7. Project Plan
1. Deliverables (Annotated Bibliography, Journal Paper, Report, Seminar)
2. Work breakdown structure (WBS)
3. Risk Analysis
4. Duration
5. Gantt chart
8. References
9. Appendix (if required)


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