Generally, you are expected to write a response of two or three sentences in length. QUESTION 1 Summarise the responsibilities of the following duty holders regarding the management of risks in a workplace according to your state or territory legislation. Employers (PCBU) Supervisors/Managers (Officers) Employees QUESTION 2 Discuss the ramifications of not complying with the WHS duties described in Question 1, including legal penalties. Emplo

Generally, you are expected to write a response of two or three sentences in length.
Summarise the responsibilities of the following duty holders regarding the management of risks in a workplace according to your state or territory legislation.
Employers (PCBU) Supervisors/Managers (Officers) Employees

Discuss the ramifications of not complying with the WHS duties described in Question 1, including legal penalties.
Employers (PCBU) Supervisors/Managers (Officers) Employees

Discuss why it is important for employers to have consultation arrangements in place for their staff and others in the workplace when identifying hazards and assessing and addressing risks in the workplace.
a) List all the consultation processes that are available for staff and supervisors in the training kitchen.
b) Explain examples of how management can use the following consultation methods to get staff feedback on WHS issues.
Consultation method Answer
Whiteboard or suggestion box used by staff to report issues of concern

Meetings with agendas, minutes and action plans

WHS representatives and committees

Informal meetings with notes

Recording issues in a management diary

Regular staff meetings that involve WHS discussions

Special staff meetings or workshops to specifically address WHS issues

Surveys or questionnaires that invite staff feedback on WHS issues

WHS discussions with employees during the course of each business day

c) Employers are required by law to provide a safe workplace for all employees. This includes providing employees with information about their WHS rights and responsibilities. Summarise the information that you would include in a fact sheet given to employees their rights and responsibilities.
d) Explain how you can use staff handbooks containing WHS information as a part of consultation processes.
Outline the important times when an organisation must undertake hazard identification processes.
a) Outline the importance of WHS training, and when it must occur.
b) List what types of training are appropriate.
c) Summarise why it is important for an organisation to maintain accurate and current records of training given to staff.
a) List the other WHS records/documentation and reports that organisations must keep.
b) Discuss the information that must be recorded about formal meetings where WHS consultation takes place.
c) Discuss why it is important for managers/supervisors to keep a diary of WHS meetings.
a) Outline the legal requirements for using WHS representatives and committees.
b) Discuss the role of WHS representatives and committees.
Summarise how the training kitchen WHS policies demonstrate:
a) the organisation’s overall approach to WHS
b) how they ensure the participation of personnel in WHS management practices
Scenario: You (acting as supervisor) and your team are going to be cooking for festival goers at an outdoor event.
a) The event organiser provides you with a safety checklist before the day of the event. Explain why this is an important document to complete.
a) Explain what you must do before setting up your equipment to ensure the safety of your staff and patrons for the day.
b) Explain the safety steps must you take during the event to ensure that everyone around your stall stays safe.
c) During the event it begins to rain heavily. When using the electric griller, one of the staff gets a mild electrical shock. Explain what steps you must take after the event.
List all the people who might be involved in a risk assessment for a commercial kitchen.
List all the occasions when risk assessments must be undertaken.
• Your answers to each question.
? Assessment Record Checklist
Yes No
Did the student answer all questions correctly? (Please note which questions were answered incorrectly, if applicable.)
1. Summarise the responsibilities of the given duty holders regarding the management of risks in a workplace according to state or territory legislation.
2. Discuss the ramifications of not complying with the WHS duties described in Question 1, including legal penalties.
3. Discuss why it is important for employers to have consultation arrangements in place for their staff and others in the workplace when identifying hazards and assessing and addressing risks in the workplace.
a) List all the consultation processes that are available for staff and supervisors in the training kitchen.
b) Explain examples of how management can use the following consultation methods to get staff feedback on WHS issues.
c) Employers are required by law to provide a safe workplace for all employees. This includes providing employees with information about their WHS rights and responsibilities. Summarise the information that you would include in a fact sheet given to employees their rights and responsibilities.
d) Explain how you can use staff handbooks containing WHS information as a part of consultation processes.
5. Outline the important times when an organisation must undertake hazard identification processes.
a) Outline the importance of WHS training, and when it must occur.
b) List what types of training are appropriate.
c) Summarise why it is important for an organisation to maintain accurate and current records of training given to staff.
a) List the other WHS records/documentation and reports that organisations must keep.
b) Discuss the information that must be recorded about formal meetings where WHS consultation takes place.
c) Discuss why it is important for managers/supervisors to keep a diary of WHS meetings.
a) Outline the legal requirements for using WHS representatives and committees.
b) Discuss the role of WHS representatives and committees.
9. Summarise how the training kitchen WHS policies demonstrate:
a) the organisation’s overall approach to WHS
b) how they ensure the participation of personnel in WHS management practices

10. Scenario: You (acting as supervisor) and your team are going to be cooking for festival goers at an outdoor event.
a) The event organiser provides you with a safety checklist before the day of the event. Explain why this is an important document to complete.
a) Explain what you must do before setting up your equipment to ensure the safety of your staff and patrons for the day.
b) Explain the safety steps must you take during the event to ensure that everyone around your stall stays safe.
c) During the event it begins to rain heavily. When using the electric griller, one of the staff gets a mild electrical shock. Explain what steps you must take after the event.
11. List all the people who might be involved in a risk assessment for a commercial kitchen.
12. List all the occasions when risk assessments must be undertaken.
If ‘no’ to the above, did you identify gaps in the student’s understanding and knowledge?
If ‘yes’ to the above, have arrangements have been made for reassessment?
Please note any reasonable adjustments for this task below.
¨ I have reviewed the mapping to this task.
¨ I have analysed the evidence gathered against the requirements of this task and am satisfied that the student has satisfactorily demonstrated the knowledge required of these units.
Where any items above are marked ‘No’, please provide comments and outline the gaps below. Ensure feedback is provided to the student on their Assessment Task Cover Sheet. Note actions that will be taken to correct the gaps.
Assessment Task 1 outcome: Satisfactory • Not Satisfactory •
Student ID number: _______________________
Student name:
Assessor name:
Assessor signature:


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