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Redaction & Literary Criticism

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As you know, the Gospels are amazing literary works, belonging to a certain genre of the first-century world. Moreover, these Gospels are sometimes remarkably similar to one another. Two concepts paved the way for 2 additional influential ways that people analyze the Gospels: redaction and literary criticism.

To learn about these 2 criticisms, to consider whether they offer insights into better reading of the Gospels, and to utilize them where they provide benefit, is important for any theologian.

Read and watch the following resources in order to better understand redaction and literary criticism.

Strauss, Four Portraits, One Jesus, pages 8083, 87101
Green, Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, “Redaction Criticism (Links to an external site.)”
Green, Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, “Literary Criticism (Narrative Criticism) (Links to an external site.)”

After reading and viewing the resources, demonstrate your understanding of redaction and literary criticism by completing the following reaction in 12 paragraphs:

State the criticism, either redaction or literary, that was especially interesting to you.
Explain in 1 sentence what either redaction or literary criticism is.
Explain how that criticism influences your reading and response to Christs wilderness temptations (found in either Matthew 4:111 and Luke 4:114). Start this portion in this manner:
“My reading of Christs wilderness temptation narrative is influenced by ________ criticism. [State #2 above.] This criticism impacts my reading in the following two ways: … [provide 2 specific ways that criticism influences your reading/response to Christs temptation narrative].”

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