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Reading the Gospels Canonically & Creedally

Many people fall into different traps of reading the Gospels. One may read Scripture superficially, and apart from their canonical context. This may lead to dangerous interpretations and a disregard for God as the unifying author of Scripture. Equally troubling is the mistake of reading the Scriptures apart from, or contrary to, orthodox Christian beliefs. This may lead to dangerous interpretations and a disregard for sound biblical truth and a denial of the apostolic teachings of the New Testament.

Watch the following videos to see several points of view intended to help us learn how to read the Gospels the way in which they were designed and respond to the discussion accordingly.

Only watch from minute marker 10:3016:45 on Son to Father relationship and also from minute marker 31:1539:55 on Christ’s resurrection.

After watching, compose your thoughts in a discussion post. Consider the following thoughts and questions to discuss in your initial post:

Summarize what you learned from the videos.
How do the thoughts and strategies presented in the videos coincide or conflict with your experience or what you’ve been taught regarding the Scriptures?
How can you apply this content to your own personal Bible study, your other classes, or other opportunities?

Video for the assignment in link below, thank you for all your hard work.

The post Reading the Gospels Canonically & Creedally appeared first on Template.


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