Write a 400-word essay in which you include:
An introduction.
Select a specific example of public policy from one of the following fields:
Economic policy
An example of economic policy is U.S. budget deficit spending.
Education policy
An example of education policy is the implementation of national education standards.
Environmental policy
An example of environmental policy is the Clean Air Act.
Foreign policy
An example of foreign policy is how we conduct trade with other countries.
Healthcare policy
An example of healthcare policy is the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)
Welfare policy
An example of welfare policy is Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).
Provide a summary of this public policy.
Explain how three different factors shaped this public policy.
How do political factors shape this public policy?
Support your responses with at least one specific referenced example.
How do social factors shape this public policy?
Support your responses with at least one specific referenced example.
How do economic factors shape this public policy?
Support your responses with at least one specific referenced example.
Support your examples with information from the text and at least two, additional academic sources.
A conclusion.
Correct grammar and syntax.
APA format.
How to Submit an Assignment to the Dropbox
Writing with Integrity: Expectations for Academic Research and Professional Writing
Purdue Global Writing Center
Isserman, M., & Kazin, M. (2015). America divided: The Civil War of the 1960s. New York: Oxford University Press.
Program History. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.medicaid.gov/about-us/program-history/index.html
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