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Legal Accounting

Please follow instructions accordingly
Step by step instructions and files are listed below along with web sites to visit :

Assignment instructions – major assignment
assignment description and guidance
Materials and Resources

Textbook: Legal Accounting

Internet: https://lawsocietyontario.azureedge.net/media.lso/media/legacy/pdf/p/paralegal_bookkeeping_guide_final-s.pdf

Software: PC-Law on VM

Assignment Steps


The purpose of this assignment is to teach the students legal accounting by applying the knowledge ascertained during class to PC-Law. Students will engage actively in the lecture, research, and use the daily activities to complete their PC-Law assignment.


The table below outlines the tasks required for completing the PC-Law assignment. Refer to the handouts listed under each task. Note: some handouts include videos and additional resources to assist students with the tasks.



(Downloaded on files)

Day 3

Task: Conflict Search & Create a New Matter/Client. 

See Handout: Day 3_PCLAW_Conflict&NewClient.

Day 4

Task: Docket- Fee Sheet, Time Sheet, Receipts, Disbursements.

See Handout: Day 4_PCLAW_Docketing

Day 5

Task: Docket- Fee Sheet, Time Sheet, Receipts, Disbursements.

See Handout: Day 5_PCLAW_Docketing.

Day 6

Task: Add to the Trickler System and adjust entries. 

See Handout: Day 6_PCLAW_Trickler/Adjusting Entries.

Day 7

Task: Create a Pre-Bill and a Final Bill.

See Handout: Day 7_PCLAW_Billing. 

Day 8

Task: Review Trust/General Journals.

See Handout: Day 8_PCLAW_Journals. 

Day 9

Evaluation breakdown
Total Marks: 50

Content – Amount of Information (10 marks)

The assignment scenario is used accordingly.
The facts and details of the scenario are completed accordingly without any errors.
Legal Technological Competency (10 marks)

The assigned steps on the assignment has been used in order to produce documentation.
The assignment steps have been followed successfully on PCLaw.
Calculations (10 marks)

Student has produced the accurate calculations for billings and has applied all instructions will respect to billing the client.
The calculations are accurate for the client bill and all instructions with respect to billing has been applied.
Documentation Production (10 marks)

Student has produced the required documents and compiled it in a professional manner for submission. Fees, Disbursements, Retainers, input tickler information, Prepare Pre-Bill in PC Law for Client. Make changes as noted, Print Final Bill for Client transferring Trust Funds to pay the Accounts rendered. Produce account letter indicating balance due.
The correct documents have been produced from PCLaw and submitted in a professional manner.
Accuracy (10 marks)

Correct spelling, grammar and punctuation is used.
No spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors.

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