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Given below is an example of a well-written email. Analyze it with respect to traits of technical writing and Seven C’s of effective communication. Identify the traits and explain how they are present in the email. For example, if you think its language is concise, give reason for your answer.

Given below is an example of a well-written email. Analyze it with respect to traits of technical writing and Seven C’s of effective communication. Identify the traits and explain how they are present in the email. For example, if you think its language is concise, give reason for your answer.

To: an email address

Subject: Help Careem support restaurants amidst the pandemic

Hey Azeem,

The restaurant industry needs you to be loud.

Eat out loud. Speak out loud. Support out loud.

The restaurant industry has been suffering ever since the pandemic began. And as the much-dreaded ‘second wave’ steps in, things aren’t getting any better. This calls for us to support them… but how?

Order food. Either through any food aggregator app, via the restaurant’s own delivery service or simply takeaway, doesn’t matter. Just order!

Why is it important, you ask?

The restaurant owners, staff, suppliers, guards, millions of workers and their families are dependent on your orders. The restaurant industry has given us the meals we love, served us good and given us memories to cherish. Now it’s our time to give back and support them… just by ordering food, literally!

How is Careem helping?

Careem, as a food aggregator app, is making drastic reductions in restaurant commissions in Karachi & Lahore, and requesting partners to pass on discounts to customers. We strongly believe that with our joint efforts, we can support millions relying on this industry by simply increasing food delivery orders.

*Careem’s Food delivery services are currently available in Karachi & limited areas of Lahore, and will be launched soon in more cities.


The Careem Team


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