Assignment Question
Select a live business of your choice whether it be a small, large, family business, or a social enterprise, and then critically discuss its contribution to the economy and society by throwing light on its survival during the recent global issue (Coronavirus)
Essay Structure and Contents
- Title Page
- Table of Content
- Introduction
- Define and explain what is meant by entrepreneurship.
- Give a brief overview of the organisation (Note: an organisation profile must be included in your submission as “Appendix 1”)
- Explain the structure of the essay
- The introductory section should not be less than 250 words
- Main Body
- About the Entrepreneur (or group of entrepreneurs) who was Behind the Organisation- about 1,000 words
- Critically discuss the personality traits of the entrepreneurs
- How did the entrepreneur recognize the opportunity or did the entrepreneur create the opportunity?
- What are the innovative products/services introduced in the market? Discuss why innovation is important for an organization.
- About the Entrepreneurial Organisation- about 8,00 words
- How did the entrepreneur build the entrepreneurial team?
- Explain the entrepreneur’s role as a leader and what it takes to become a successful leader
- How did the entrepreneur grow the business (if it is a large organization)? You can include the role of family members, gender differences if it is necessary.
- About Contribution to the Economy and Society- about 1,200 words
- Discuss and evaluate the contribution to the economy, i.e., job creation, new product innovation, wealth creation, etc.
- Evaluate the survival issues (due to the global pandemic)
- Conclusion and Recommendations (if any)- about 200-250 words