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Identify the topic of the speech and include relevant background information

First Essay


Identify the topic of the speech and include relevant background information.Introduce the speakers name, the occasion of the speech, the location of the speech, the intention of the speech and the audience. At the end of the introduction, include a thesis statement that states your opinion of the speechs effectiveness at fulfilling the topic and meeting its intention. Be sure to state the overarching reason that led you to this opinion.

Expand upon information about the speaker in a paragraph. Mention how the speaker establishes his credibility within the speech. Discuss how the speaker shows his connection to speechs subject matter and establishes a relationship to the audience.

Discuss the content of the speech. Mention the use of any repetition or themes. If the speech fits into a certain genre, mention how its structure reflects similar speeches.Write a paragraph about the structure of the speech. Discuss whether the beginning, middle and the end of the speech are recognizable and how. Mention the style, sentence structure or similarities in paragraph structure.

Analyze whether the form and content complement each other in a paragraph.Construct a paragraph about the tone of the speech. Consider the word choice within the speech and how it affects the message. Also consider vocabulary and use of figurative language.

Reinforce your thesis statement about the speechs effectiveness or success. In other words, clarify whether you believe the speechs content is successful at conveying its message. Mention the speechs shortcomings and highlights. Your conclusion should reinforce the main ideas from your introduction, but it should not repeat or summarize them.

These are your options. Please choose one:

– Acceptance Speech at the Democratic National Convention Barack Obama August 28, 2008
– Remarks on the War on Terror- George W. Bush March 19, 2008
– Address of Affirmative Action- Bill Clinton July 19 1995
– Address to the Nation on the Invasion of Iraq-George H Bush January 16, 1991
-Address on the Situation at the University of Mississippi John F Kennedy September 30 1962

This essay will be 4 pages and MLA style.

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