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EU Law

‘The protection of fundamental rights in the European Union (EU) is a rich and, at times, contested area of EU law and it has become increasingly important with the expansion of powers of the EU.’  Eleanor Spaventa, ‘Fundamental rights in the European Union’ in Catherine Barnard and Steve Peers (eds) European Union Law (2nd ed. OUP), pp. 227-228

Critically discuss this statement by reference to key Treaty provisions, case law and relevant academic commentary. Your answer must include an evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the EU human rights legal framework.

Greetings! This essay must include in deapth evaluation of the strenghts and weaknesses, don’t focus on historical content. Focus on Charter of Fundamental Rights, European Convention on human rights, use relevant eu cases.

Keep in mind this is a UK style essay, it has to be referenced by using OSCOLA referencing.

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