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You are Gilgamesh and have returned from all of your adventures.  You are greeted by the people of your community.  They remember how you were before you left.  You are asked to give a speech describing how you have changed and what you have learned from your adventures that will make you a better lead

You are Gilgamesh and have returned from all of your adventures.  You are greeted by the people of your community.  They remember how you were before you left.  You are asked to give a speech describing how you have changed and what you have learned from your adventures that will make you a better leader in the future.  As part of your speech, you must do the following:

1.  Identify 3 lessons that you have learned

2.  Explain how you will apply what you have learned to become a better leader

3.  Be sure to have a strong Introduction and Conclusion to tie your speech together

4.  Consider your audience and what they would need to hear from you to be convinced you changed

5.  Just a thought—You may want to work an apology in there somewhere for how you acted before

6. Must included an apology.


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