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Case Study Instructions Rationale: The case study is a culminating assignment that requires teacher candidates to consider various approaches to classroom management, current research, and applications of best practices. Exploration of this knowledge and application of it to behavioral scenarios will prepare candidates for clinical experiences in which they will apply these skills in practical settings.

Case Study Instructions

Rationale: The case study is a culminating assignment that requires teacher candidates to consider various approaches to classroom management, current research, and applications of best practices. Exploration of this knowledge and application of it to behavioral scenarios will prepare candidates for clinical experiences in which they will apply these skills in practical settings.

Alignment with Measurable Learning Outcomes: This assignment aligns with MLO G. After reflecting on common approaches to classroom management and reviewing research on the topic, the candidate will propose appropriate practices in the context of a case study related to K12 student behavior.

Specific Guidelines

Download the Case Study template from Blackboard and complete it according to the instructions below.

Step 1 – Approaches to Classroom Management

Click on this link to read the article entitled “Establishing Order in Your Classroom: Five Common Approaches to Classroom Management” (Lynch, 2016). Using the template you downloaded from Blackboard, write a reflective essay in response to the article. Which of the five approaches are most and least appealing to you and why? Respond in two brief essays of at least 100 words each.

  1. The Self-Discipline Approach
  2. Inner Discipline
  3. Assertive Discipline
  4. The Desist Approach
  5. Behavior Modification

Step 2 – Research Journal Article

Click on this link to the Liberty University Online library and search for a research journal article on a topic of classroom management. For search terms, consider entering a combination of terms from the list of five approaches above and/or words or phrases from the following list below:

  • behavior      interventions
  • character      education
  • classroom      management
  • cooperative      discipline
  • rewards and      punishment in the classroom
  • school      violence
  • student      behavior
  • student      conduct
  • school-wide      positive behavior support
  • token systems      in the school classroom

Summarize key points of the article in a brief essay of at least 100 words.

Compare contents of your selected article with the Five Approaches article in Step 1 above in an essay of at least 100 words.

Step 3 – Case Study

Pick a case study from the ones listed in Blackboard in the Case Study Options document. In an essay of at least 300 words, discuss how you would address the scenario if you were the teacher. Incorporate principles from these three sources in your case study:

  • Sousa and Tomlinson (2018)      textbook
  • “Five Common Approaches”      (Lynch, 2016) article from Step 1 above
  • Research journal article that      you used from Step 2 above.

Cite all three sources using in-text current APA parenthetical citations. At the end of the essay, list all three sources in current APA reference format.

Point of View: You may use first person pronouns such as “I” and “me,” but do not overuse them. Do not refer to yourself in third person.


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