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Reflect on Their Feeling/Thinking About the Daily Early Childhood Practices: Early Childhood Education & Care Essay, NYP

Objectives of the Assessment The students will be able to: reflect on their feeling/ thinking about the daily early childhood practices before and after their practicum experience; explain the relationship between the learning environment and the role of an educator; and identify key learning points that will enhance their professional practices. Assignment Brief: Students are …
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Objectives of the Assessment

The students will be able to:

  1. reflect on their feeling/ thinking about the daily early childhood practices before and after their practicum experience;
  2. explain the relationship between the learning environment and the role of an educator; and
  3. identify key learning points that will enhance their professional practices.

Assignment Brief:

Students are to reflect on their role as an educator. The reflection should include the following with at least two supporting in-text citations from 2 different sources:

1. The daily early childhood practices: practicum experience involving routine care, transitions, and activities for children:

  • their feeling/ thinking about routine care and/ or transitions and/ or carrying out activities for children prior to their practicum experience and the reasons for their feeling/ thinking in relation to their assumptions, values, or beliefs
  • how has their feeling/ thinking changed after the practicum experience

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2. The relationship between the Learning Environment (physical, temporal or psychosocial) and the role of the educator as stated in the Code of Ethics (professional responsibilities and obligations towards children):

  • identify three statements under the Code of Ethics concerning the professional responsibilities and obligations towards children (refer to appendix 2: “Section 3. Professional Responsibilities & Obligations”)
  • indicate whether the Learning Environment shows that the professional responsibilities and obligations are met, and explain with examples what role does the educator play in shaping the Learning Environment that affects the fulfillment of the responsibilities and obligations as mentioned in the 3 statements using the role of the educator in relation to the learning environment Template in appendix 3

3. The key learning points that will enhance their professional practice

The post Reflect on Their Feeling/Thinking About the Daily Early Childhood Practices: Early Childhood Education & Care Essay, NYP appeared first on Assignment Help Singapore No 1 : Essay & Dissertation Writers, SG.


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