Community Resources Alignment Project Overview
The purpose of this assignment is to learn how leaders and managers in an educational organization (school, district, or college/university) must operate and function where leadership and public relations are essential. The learner will complete a community resources alignment project which has four parts at either the school, district, or higher education level. The learner will choose the assignment that applies to his/her program. For instance, if you are in the District-level/superintendent preparation program, choose the District-level assignment. If you are pursuing a School (building)-level school administration license, choose the School-level assignment. Those not in a specific preparation program may choose either the district or the school assignment. Higher education majors may select the higher education option. Only licensure candidates will submit the four assignments in LiveText in Week 8.
Here, this is the assignment paper highlighted in yellow below:
Resources Report (Module 7: Week 7)
- 5 pages excluding the title page, abstract, and reference section.
- Current 7th edition APA format.
- At least 2 references.
- Acceptable sources include the textbook, the Bible, peer reviewed journal articles, etc.
- Acceptable sources include the textbook, the Bible, peer reviewed journal articles, etc.
Community Resources Alignment Project: Submission for Licensure Candidates (Module 8: Week 8)
Licensure candidates will submit all four parts of the Community Resources Alignment Project in Canvas and LiveText.
Note: All assignments will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.