Directions: The purpose of the essay is to provide a vehicle to assess the student’s critical thinking, stated lesson educational objectives, and academic writing skills. Answer your selected writing prompt and provide evidence to support your position from the course materials or outside sources. Use original thought and analyze the topic with the knowledge gained in the course and through your life experiences. Ensure to use proper in-text citations when citing a source. Essay must be paraphrased. Direct quotes are not permitted. Write a 800-word essay answering the questions below. The essay word count does not include the required coversheet or the required reference page. Students may use any word processing software to complete the assignment; however, the submitted file must saved as a .doc or a .docx file
• 1” margins, double-spaced text, and 12-point Times New Roman font.
•Thesis Driven;
•Consider other perspectives to your argument.
•Written in third-person.
• Have (1) introductory paragraph with thesis, (3) supporting/body paragraphs that support the thesis, and (1) conclusion paragraph.
•Use original thought. You must analyze the topic with your own knowledge Support your ideas with evidence from scholarly sources and Marine Corps Warfighting Doctrine available as open source
•Use in-text citation format when required: (author’s name, title of work, page number).
Use and reference the following:
Research Question: Maneuver warfare requires the development of a bias for action—intelligent leaders with a penchant for boldness and initiative—down to the tactical level. Is this bias for action as relevant to irregular warfare as it is to traditional warfare? Why?