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Assignment 1 Brief Your essay will be expected to address the following: Investigate one area of health and social care by examining two academic journal articles. • Introduce/ justify your chosen top

Assignment 1 Brief
Your essay will be expected to address the following:

Investigate one area of health and social care by examining two academic journal articles.

• Introduce/ justify your chosen topic by considering current research/ statistics in that subject area/ reference what others say about it – NHS/ NICE/ other authors etc.
• Introduce what research is/ the importance of research in health/ social care/ evidence
based practice etc.
• Explain qualitative/ quantitative research- what are the characteristics of each?
• Introduce your two articles- title/ author/ summary of each
• Using the two journal articles compare and contrast the research methods/approaches
used by the authors.
• Discuss the validity and reliability of each article- is one more valid/ reliable than the
other/ why? How could the research be improved next time?
• How do the findings/ conclusion/ recommendations highlight a need for change/
improvements to practice?
• Make reference to a wide variety of text and online sources throughout.

Assessment Number 002
Assessment Type (and weighting) Oral Presentation of 10 Minutes (30%)
(PowerPoint with Voice Over)
Assessment Name Evidence-based Practice in Health and Social Care
Presentation Date 19th
May 2021 (Before 23:59 UK Time)

Learning Outcomes Assessed
LO2: Consider research evidence appropriate to health and social care practice
LO4: Demonstrate knowledge of the relationship between research theory and health and
social practice


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