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XYZ is a software company with its headquarters in Chicago, USA. XYZ is active with a subsidiary in India and is considering a partnership in China, for which some of its employees will have to be stationed there.. The CEO has done a lot of reading regarding legislation, union traditions and employment relations in India and China, being already familiar with those in India, and has been to both countries on several occasions.


taught book through the semester was : International & comparative employment relations (6th edition) font 11 Arial, Times, Calibri pages must be numberedPage 1 of 4
Type 2 Examination
Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences
IBA/HBA/MCI/PM Type 2 Examination
Module name: International Labour Relations
Module code: MO33
Location: Apeldoorn & Munich
Teacher(s): J. Remme & C. van Dijk
Block: 5 & 8 Type 2 Examination 100% of final mark
Year: 2020-21
Exam instructions:
Students are required to check the Moodle for:
EEG_PART 5a – Academic Writing Handbook and
Plagiarism Policy.
Teacher’s note:
Please read the instructions and criteria carefully
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Type 2 Examination
Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences
International Labour Relations [MO33]
• Bachelor Students are to write an individual essay of minimum 2000 and maximum
3000 words. Before embarking on the assignment, you should read Part 5a
(Academic Writing handbook) and 5b (Plagiarism Policy) of the Education and
Examination Guide (EEG).
• Students must submit their essay before the deadline through Turnitin submission
online areas.
• All submitted files should be in MS Word Document (*.docx) format.
• Students will be randomly selected for Presentations. Therefore, all students should
be prepared. Details will be communicated to the selected students.
• In case of a retake, students are not allowed to revise their original
exams submitted at the end of the respective teaching block. They must hand in a
‘new’ assignment based on a different company other than the one used in this
exam or any previous exam attempts. Note – For the retake in Block 8 you are
required to use the countries UK ( XYZ headquarters in UK), potential
subsidiaries in Germany ( replaces India in the retake) or Japan ( replaces
China in the retake).
XYZ is a software company with its headquarters in Chicago, USA.
XYZ is active with a subsidiary in India and is considering a partnership in China, for
which some of its employees will have to be stationed there.. The CEO has done a lot of
reading regarding legislation, union traditions and employment relations in India and
China, being already familiar with those in India, and has been to both countries on
several occasions.
Prior to making a decision as to whether to expand a subsidiary in India or engage in a
partnership in China, for which employees will have to be sent there from either the USA
or India, the CEO and CFO require pertinent information about employment relations in
India and China. It therefore also needs to compare labour conditions in India and China,
and employment relations in both countries. The Board of XYZ is careful with its
reputation, as it has been in a conflict with unions in the USA over labour conditions in its
facilities there and it wants to avoid Further damage to its reputation should there be
issues with its activities outside of the USA.
The Board of the company also intends to move some employees from the United States
to India or China.
You are tasked to:
1) Analyze all three jurisdictions India, the China and the United States– reviewing parties
to employment relations, including trade unions, business partners, collective bargaining
and the role of the state
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Type 2 Examination
Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences
2) Advise whether the CEO should opt for either expanding in India or entering in a partnership in China – provide detailed analysis about both countries in relation to labour conditions and the compatibility with XYZ’s operations, but making a clear choice which country either India or China the CEO should choose in the end.
3) Explain and discuss the ramifications /effects for employees moving from the USA to India or China, and possibly moving from India to China (analyzing and discussing each country separately, discussing legal conditions, union traditions and employment relations.
Weight factor
Criterion this assignment
Critical application and integration of relevant models and concepts
.A clear understanding of relevant countries, employment relations, relevant parties in labour relations, countries in question
Synthesis of industrial relations practice and theory
Show me you use multiple elements in different jurisdictions practically and also provide theory from academic resources
Depth of analysis, extensiveness of research and breadth of reading
The more in depth and creative your solutions, answers and strategies will be, the better. You may use the book, the slides. You may use other books and models.
Coherence and quality of documents and referencing
Proper English. Using Power Point or compatible software. Logical structure.
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Type 2 Examination
Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences
0 – 24
Fail 25 – 34
Fail 35 – 54
Pass 55 – 64
Pass 65-74
Pass 75 – 84
85 – 100
Critical application and integration of relevant models and concepts (40%)
Very weak use of framework s, which do not appear to be understood. Rather naive or simplistic approach to framework s.
Weak use of framework s, which are applied without any meaningful analysis.
Little evidence that they are understood. Some evidence of naive or simplistic approach to framework s.
An inadequate and overall weak use of frameworks. Some understanding of key issues.
Analysis is simplistic and not well grounded.
Good analytical use off frameworks although the range is limited. Some good understanding and insight into key issues. Some evidence of critical attitude to models.
Commendable use of appropriate frameworks with a very good level of analysis.
Very good understanding of key issues.
Excellent use of a wide and appropriate range of frameworks supported by excellent high quality analysis demonstrating thorough critical understanding.
Outstanding use of a wide and appropriate range of frameworks supported by the highest quality analysis demonstrating a good command of the subject.
Synthesis of industrial relations practice and theory
Very weak attempt at combining theory and practice
Some industrial relations theory weakly introduced but only weakly applied to the area of study
Lack of data and evidence.
An inadequate attempt to combine industrial relations theory with practice as found in the area of study. Limited use of data and evidence.
A good attempt to combine industrial relations theory with practice as found in the study area. A useful range of examples is given and good data and evidence.
A very good attempt to combine industrial relations theory with the realities found in the case studied.
Commendable understanding of how theory is applied.
Sophisticated use of examples.
An excellent combining of industrial relations theory with the realities found in the studied.
Excellent analysis and synthesis. Excellent use of data and evidence.
Outstanding synthesis of industrial relations theory with the realities found in the case studied.
Deep and insightful analysis of entities and landscape.
Depth of analysis, extensiveness of research and breadth of reading (25%)
Narrow inadequate range of sources.
Points not evidentially grounded. No evidence of readings or research
Weakness evident in breadth of reading and extent of research leading to weak analysis of the case.
Inadequate depth of analysis. Inadequate extent of research. Reading is limited to the core text.
Good depth of analysis. Extent of research is good.
Reading rather limited and does not extend far beyond the core text.
Very good depth of analysis. Commendable extent of research.
Reading is very wide and beyond the core text.
Excellent analysis in breadth and depth.
Selectively wide reading evident which is well beyond the core text and includes independent sources.
An outstanding analysis of the both in breadth and depth.
Reading is extensive and includes independent sources and press coverage.
Coherence and quality of documents and referencing (10%)
Very weak report with little coherence and some elements of task not addressed. Weak in referencing and standard of written English.
Weak report with little coherence and some elements of task barely addressed. Weak in referencing and generally poor standard of literacy evident.
Inadequate in terms of logical structure, coherence and presentation. Referencing of sources is weak and narrative frequently very descriptive.
Good quality report with logical structure and coherence.
The writing is to a good standard and all elements of the task attempted to a good standard.
Good referencing of sources.
Very good quality report. Clear and logical structure and coherent.
The report is very well written and all elements of the task attempted to a very good academic standard.
Excellent report with clear and logical structure and intrinsic coherence.
Excellent academic style including referencing. All elements of the task are addressed.
An outstanding report in terms of presentation, writing and clarity of expression.
Excellent academic style including referencing. All elements of the task addressed.


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