Paper IQ: Annotated Bibliography
Format for written assignments:
• Papers must include three sources cited in MLA format; each citation should be followed by a short summary that includes a short quotation from the source. • All work must be double-spaced in 12 point, Times New Roman font.
• All late will be penalized.
For this assignment. you will compose an annotated bibliography on the topic of your first polder. Your annotated bibliography will not be a full-fledged research paper. Instead, your annotated bibliography will be a list of three sources arranged alphabetically a. cited in MLA format. Each citation should be followed by a 3-9 sentence summery that also includes a short quotation.
Your three sources must include one book, one scholarly (peer reviewed) article, and one website.
To find a book:
1. Go to SUNG, library homepage: suno.eduipage/library-resources. 2. Click on •Find Resources” on the left hand side of the screen. 3. Click on “Online Catalog.” 9. Enter your search term and click ‘search.”