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Read the case and answer the questions in depth. Each question should be answered after reserch and in detail. Case study Questions 1- As James Neuhausen, what is your analysis of Wal-Mart’s supply chain? Are the company’s supply chain capabilities still a source of competitive advantage? Why or why not? 2

Read the case and answer the questions in depth. Each question should be answered after reserch and in detail. Case study Questions 1- As James Neuhausen, what is your analysis of Wal-Mart’s supply chain? Are the company’s supply chain capabilities still a source of competitive advantage? Why or why not? 2- How is Wal-Mart doing? How does it compare to its competitors? 3. As Johnnie Dobbs, Wal-Mart’s executive vice-president (EVP) of logistics, where would you spend your money or focus your energy? 4. As Johnnie C. Dobbs, what recommendations would you make to the chief executive officer (CEO)? Where do you see the opportunities for Wal-Mart in its global supply chain?


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