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Assessment Information/Brief 2020-21 Module title Digital Marketing Analytics & Strategy

Assessment Information/Brief 2020-21

Module title

Digital Marketing Analytics & Strategy

CRN 52995/52996
Level 7
Assessment title Individual Digital Marketing Plan – Report
Weighting within module This assessment is worth 50% of the overall module mark.
Submission deadline date and time

See OnlineCampus

Module Leader/Assessment set by
How to submit  You should submit your assessment electronically OnlineCampus.
Assessment task details and instructions  You are required to prepare a report that demonstrates your ability to use data and analysis as part of a digital marketing strategy for the company Moonpig.comEvery section should be corroborated by valid and current literature, well referenced. Critically analyse the current literature on the subject and present justification and critical evaluation of the relevant theories related to the task.

Clear justification of the approaches adopted and Integration of multiple data sources to back up points (references in each paragraph).

You should use a good range of journals, books and web pages as references but mainly focusing on the use of academic sources.

Your tasks are:

1.      Undertake an analysis of the company. This includes an external analysis (macro and micro environments)

2.      Identify and explain the Buyer Persona(s) for the company using the Buyer Persona Spring

3.      Undertake a SWOT analysis using the above information (points 1 and 2)

4.      Make a plan out of the SWOT analysis, which includes:

a.      Key SMART objectives (Specific, Measurable, Achievable Realistic, and Time bound indicators (e.g. Gantt chart))

b.      Clear strategic recommendations utilising Buyer Persona Spring Strategy Template – which makes clear use of the above analysis

c.       Clear strategic recommendations which include type of further digital analysis that the company should undertake to inform the marketing strategy




Knowledge and Understanding







Practical, Professional or Subject Specific Skills


Assessed intended learning outcomesOn successful completion of this assessment, you will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate a critical awareness of the concepts, theories and debates surrounding digital marketing strategy
  2. Develop a digital marketing plan and strategy for an organisation
  3. Critically analyse and interpret web analytics to support an organisations digital marketing strategy

4.      Design and conduct a digital analytics project

5.      Problem solving and critical analysis: analysing facts and circumstances to determine the cause of a problem and identifying and selecting appropriate solutions

6.      Research: the ability to analyse and evaluate a range of business data, sources of information and appropriate methodologies, which includes the need for strong digital literacy, and to use that research for evidence-based decision-making

7.      Commercial acumen: based on an awareness of the key drivers for business success, causes of failure and the importance of providing customer satisfaction and building customer loyalty

8.      Innovation, creativity and enterprise: the ability to act entrepreneurially to generate, develop and communicate ideas, manage and exploit intellectual property, gain support, and deliver successful outcomes Numeracy: the use of quantitative skills to manipulate data, evaluate, estimate and model business problems, functions and phenomena

9.      Numeracy: the use of quantitative skills to manipulate data, evaluate, estimate and model business problems, functions and phenomena

Transferable Skills and other Attributes

10.  Enhance and apply planning, organising, decision-making and time management skills appropriate for use in an organisational context

11.  Experiment and develop personal initiative and responsibility in undertaking complex investigations in the solving of organisational/public policy problems and issues

12.  Critically analyse and apply key ideas and concepts via comprehensive research relevant both to the subject area and to professional practice in the field

13.  Use terminology associated with the subject area accurately and in a way, which demonstrates sophisticated knowledge and understanding

14.  Develop and enhance both individually and collaboratively effective written and oral communication skills for both specialist and non-specialist audiences

Module Aims 1.      Critically evaluate the drivers, significance, trends, issues and theories underpinning digital marketing and digital analytics

2.      Critically appraise topics and aspects related to digital marketing strategy and analytics.

3.      Critically appraise the implementation of digital marketing in organisation using the latest techniques in digital analytics.

Word count/ duration (if applicable)  The word count is 3,000 words (excluding figures, charts, appendices, list of references). Any work beyond the 3,000-word limit will not be considered for marking.Appendices should be no longer than 3 A4 single sided. The editorial requirements are: font Calibri 11 or 12, one and a half line spacing.

Please note that appendices and tables are not an extension of your analysis and must not be used for this purpose. If their content is part of the discussion rather than in support of the discussion, they will be considered in the word count.

Feedback arrangements  You can expect to receive feedback via OnlineCampus in two weeks from submission deadline.
Support arrangements  You can obtain support for this assessment by attending the class discussions and asking questions in the dedicated forum thread.

Good Academic Conduct and Academic Misconduct


The University offers a range of support services for students through askUS.Students are expected to learn and demonstrate skills associated with good academic conduct (academic integrity). Good academic conduct includes the use of clear and correct referencing of source materials. Here is a link to where you can find out more about the skills which students need https://www.salford.ac.uk/library/skills-for-learning.

Academic Misconduct is an action which may give you an unfair advantage in your academic work. This includes plagiarism, asking someone else to write your assessment for you or taking notes into an exam. The University takes all forms of academic misconduct seriously.  You can find out how to avoid academic misconduct here.

Assessment Information 

Personal Mitigating Circumstances


Student Progression Administrator

If you have any questions about assessment rules, you can find out more here.If personal mitigating circumstances may have affected your ability to complete this assessment, you can find more information about personal mitigating circumstances procedure here.

If you have any concerns about your studies, contact StudentCare at studentcare@rkc.edu

Assessment Criteria  a.      External Analysis, Buyer Persona, SWOT analysis (50 marks)b.      Plan including recommendations (40 marks).

c.       Report presentation and referencing (10 marks).

In Year Retrieval Scheme Your assessment is not eligible for in year retrieval.
Reassessment  If you fail your assessment, and are eligible for reassessment, you will be advised of the resubmission date by the School Office.For students with accepted personal mitigating circumstances, this will be your replacement assessment attempt.

Students should be aware that there is no late submission period at reassessment (this includes those students who have an accepted PMC request from a previous attempt).

If you need to be reassessed, the reassessment will be the same as the original assessment


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