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Topic/issue: Do electric vehicles truly emit less greenhouse gas emissions than conventional gas-powered vehicles? The transition from gas vehicles to electric vehicles will help Americans reduce their carbon footprint. The United States still uses fossil fuels to generate electricity which contributes to global warming/gas emissions. Although electric vehicles are not currently living up to their zero-emission potential due to fossil-fueled power plants, their emissions are still lower and will continue to decrease as the U.S. mo

Do electric vehicles truly emit less greenhouse gas emissions than conventional gas-powered vehicles?
March 15, 2021/in English /by Eunice
Assignment: Toulmin argumentative essay in 3rd person. “Research your position using collegiate-level resources. As part of your essay, present the opposing side correctly and without bias. Rebut points of the opposing side as part of your total argument.”

Topic/issue: Do electric vehicles truly emit less greenhouse gas emissions than conventional gas-powered vehicles?

The transition from gas vehicles to electric vehicles will help Americans reduce their carbon footprint.

The United States still uses fossil fuels to generate electricity which contributes to global warming/gas emissions. Although electric vehicles are not currently living up to their zero-emission potential due to fossil-fueled power plants, their emissions are still lower and will continue to decrease as the U.S. moves towards a renewable energy infrastructure.

What would happen to the global temperature if spreading ratesdecreased?
March 15, 2021/in English /by Eunice
For this assignment, you will bring together the important points and concepts of the Module by responding to a series of short-answer questions. If you choose to use outside sources for information, be sure to use only reliable Internet sites (.edu, .gov, .org, mbari, NatGeo, Smithsonian). You may also use scientific articles. At the end of the assignment, be sure to cite the source(s) that you used to answer the question(s).

Answer the 5 questions below:

(5 points) There are many examples/proof that global Climate Change is happening. Choose two of the 4 processes listed below and explain the evidence available as to how this process is relevantto global climate change. The evidence can be an explanation of how it is correlated to global Climate Change or you can statistics number, charts or scientific studies count as evidence depending on A-D below.
Sea level rise
Increase in atmospheric CO2
Ocean acidification
Increase in atmospheric temperature
(5 points) Geologic research has shown that, historically, atmospheric CO2 concentrations have increased when oceanic ridges are spreading quickly, and atmospheric CO2 concentrations have decreased when oceanic ridges are spreading slowly. Today, oceanic ridges are moving slowly. So why is CO2 higher today than historical records?
(5 points)
What would happen to the global temperature if spreading ratesdecreased? You must explain WHY for full credit and mention spreading rates decreasein your answer. Hint: Refer to question 2 and link CO2 to global temperature.
What would happen to the global temperature if spreading ratesincreased? You must explain WHY for full credit and mention spreading rates increase in your answer. Hint: Refer to question 2 and link CO2 to global temperature.
(5 points) Explain two ways you benefit from primary production in the ocean. Then, explain one way that you are negativelyaffected by primary production in the ocean.
(5 points) How does the Biological Carbon Pump differ from the Physical Carbon Pump? (Both must be explained well for full credit).

Discuss the role of women in the play. How do you view Shakespeare’s use of women in the play?
March 15, 2021/in English /by Eunice
MLA format with 12 point font, Times New Roman text, and Double-spaced
Use Paragraphs (Indent 5 spaces)
Minimum of 2 examples of quoted textual evidence to support your explanations with in-text citations (Act, Scene, line numbers). However, use as many examples as needed. You can include one word or “quoted two word phrases” within your paraphrased sentences and commentary. There is a pdf of the entire play on the Topics Section for your use or you can use Savvas text copies, but they were assigned at different times and are on Google Stream Assignments.
3rd person point of view
2 pages minimum
Original Title
THE ESSAY TOPIC IS 2. Discuss the role of women in the play. How do you view Shakespeare’s use of women in the play? How much power did Lady Macbeth have? What is the role of Lady Macduff? Relate the role to a possible theme.

What are the current guidelines for educating staff about care for this problem?
March 15, 2021/in English /by Eunice
Synthesize nurse practitioner implications from the literature related to the specified problem. Include nurse practitioner implications in these areas:

Practice: What did you determine is the best practice for this issue?

Education: What are the current guidelines for educating staff about care for this problem?

Research: What are the priorities for further study (from a nurse practitioner perspective) related to this problem?

Compare The play and movie the Crucible by Arthur miller and the McCarthy trials during the cold war and compare and contrast how those ideas are relevant.
March 15, 2021/in English /by Eunice
Compare The play and movie the Crucible by Arthur miller and the McCarthy trials during the cold war and compare and contrast how those ideas are relevant.

Explain any medications that may be used to treat the genetic-based health issue you selected.
March 15, 2021/in English /by Eunice
Create a 1- to 2-page patient education fact sheet for a genetic-based health issue that addresses the following:

Provide a brief history of the genetic-based health issue you selected, including a description of the genetic-based health issue.
Analyze statistical information on the genetic-based health issue you selected.
Be sure to support the statistical information about the genetic-based health issue you selected with evidence from at least three additional scholarly resources.
Summarize the characteristic signs and symptoms associated with the genetic-based health issue you selected.
Explain how patients are screened, diagnosed, and treated for the genetic-based health issue you selected.
Describe patient screening and diagnoses related to the genetic-based health issue you selected.
Explain any medications that may be used to treat the genetic-based health issue you selected.
Explain whether pharmacogenomics are being used to treat the genetic-based health issue you selected, or whether research in pharmacogenomics is being conducted for this genetic-based health issue by providing two examples.
When developing your patient education fact sheet, keep in mind that the fact sheet should be visually appealing and appropriate for your patient audience. The patient education fact sheet should be formatted for easy reading, including the use of bullet points and short sentences. Be sure to include at least three scholarly resources in the creation of your patient education fact sheet in addition to the resources for this Competency Assessment.

Part 2: Written Response to Fact Sheet
Provide a 1-page written response that addresses the following related to your patient education fact sheet:

Explain the nurse’s role in advocating for the patient diagnosed with the genetic-based health issue you selected for your fact sheet.
Explain the ethical considerations nurses should be prepared to address with patients as they consider information presented in the fact sheet.
Support these considerations with evidence from at least three scholarly resources in addition to the resources for this Competency Assessment.

In what ways did writing a comparison/contrast essay differ from the Narrative essay you wrote in Touchston
March 15, 2021/in English /by Eunice
Begin by choosing a topic for your comparison/contrast essay. You are free to select your own topic, or you may use one of the sample

Compare or contrast two cities you’ve visited or that you’ve lived in
Compare or contrast two members of your family
Compare or contrast two sources of news
Compare or contrast two singers in different music genres
Compare or contrast two historical figures
Compare or contrast two artists (for example, Vincent van Gogh and Pablo Picasso or Keith Haring and Andy Warhol)
Compare or contrast two eras in time
Compare or contrast two television series
Compare or contrast two types of technologies (for example, Android and Apple phones or PlayStation and Xbox)
Compare or contrast two medical topics (for example, traditional medicine and modern medicine or doctors and midwives)

1. Did you use the point-by-point or block method to organize your body paragraphs? What made you decide to organize your essay in this way (3-4 sentences)? Sophia says: Consider the ways a comparison/contrast essay can be organized. Which organization did you choose and why?

2. In what ways did writing a comparison/contrast essay differ from the Narrative essay you wrote in Touchstone 1? Give specific examples (3-4 sentences). Sophia says: Consider how the structure, point of view, and purpose of the two essays differ.

3. Remember that the writing process is a recursive process, and your first draft of an essay is rarely your last. What part of the draft did you struggle with (3-4 sentences)? Sophia says: Think about how you could improve the draft if you continued the writing process with revision and editing.

Write a 300 to 500-word letter to your employer’s HR department outlining why they should not cancel the internship.
March 14, 2021/in English /by Eunice
Assignment Instructions:
• Write a 300 to 500-word letter to your employer’s HR department outlining why they
should not cancel the internship;
• Be persuasive. Convince HR of the importance of having the intern program renewed;
• Choose the best approach (direct or indirect) for a letter of this nature;
• Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of renewing the internship program. Can
you turn the disadvantages into advantages?
• Organize your argument in a way that leads the head of HR—in a logical way—to your
conclusion – that the internship program should be continued.

Do you think people who are ill should or should not do research on the Internet? Or, do you think they should but they need to go about it the right way
March 14, 2021/in English /by Eunice
Most people say it is best to research one’s health condition on
the internet. However, many doctors would disagree because they
claim that many patients have become “cyberchondriacs”: they
diagnose themselves by doing a Google search…and then they
imagine the worst! The article called “The Anxiety of Waiting for Test
Results” says that people can benefit or maybe over-react to learning
the results of their test results.
Do you think people who are ill should or should not do research on
the Internet? Or, do you think they should but they need to go about it
the right way


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