Compare and contrast the way in which Harriet Beecher Stowe and Khaled Hosseini present trauma in Uncle Tom’s cabin and the Kite Runner
February 2, 2021/in Uncategorized /by Eunice
Compare and contrast the way in which Harriet Beecher Stowe and Khaled Hosseini present trauma in Uncle Tom’s cabin and the Kite Runner
Examine the view that in both texts ‘cultural trauma stems from social injustice and racial inequality’
How can a hotel that is underperforming their comp set (being beaten) use a Monthly STAR report to improve its performance?
January 26, 2021/in Uncategorized /by Eunice
“Monthly STAR Report-Full Service Hotel”
Answer the following questions ;
(1) In your opinion, what are the most important three tabs in a Monthly STAR Report? And Why?
How can a hotel that is underperforming their comp set (being beaten) use a Monthly STAR report to improve its performance? (Note: The subject hotel in the attached STAR report may outperform their comp set in some areas.
(2 ) is asking a general question of how to use a Monthly STAR report to improve a hotel performance)
Note;This case analysis requires you to analyze a hospitality business situation, answer questions, and demonstrate knowledge-based on information gained from the prior and current course material. Course material or content is attached . In addition, two credible external sources (outside of course material) are required to support each of your case analysis.
Please see below.
Answering Case Questions:
Responses which are purely opinion and anecdotal are not considered to be substantive in nature.
Each question response should provide the depth of analysis, significant insight, and application to at least one course concept from prior or current course material(see course content pdf attached) and make sure you cite .
Describe and give an example of five different techniques that one could use to overcome cognitive dissonance.
January 23, 2021/in Psychology, Uncategorized /by Eunice
The essay must be about the following topic: Explain cognitive dissonance. Describe and give an example of five different techniques that one could use to overcome cognitive dissonance.
What do you think the signers of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution thought about the separation of church and state or about the separation of God from government?
January 19, 2021/in Uncategorized /by Eunice
Read the U.S. Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and Thomas Jefferson’s Letter to the Danbury Baptists in 1802. Once you have read these founding documents and Jefferson’s letter, you will write a 2–3-page paper (double-spaced, 1-inch margins) adhering to APA Guidelines, comparing each of them. When comparing the U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence, pay particular attention to the themes apparent in both documents and comment on which document came first and why that is important.
You must also answer the question, “What do you think the signers of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution thought about the separation of church and state or about the separation of God from government?” (Note: these are not the same thing.)
Does the pursuit of global norms in foreign policy make the EU a powerful actor on the international stage?
January 18, 2021/in Uncategorized /by Eunice
The focus is on Europe in global politics. What is expected of the course is:
– To show a critical understanding of the theories and perspectives used in the study of the external role of the European Union in global politics.
– Have a good grasp on key debates surrounding the EU.
– Ability to analyse and apply international relations theory.
– Explaining the impact of the EU as a political actor in global politics.
Explore the relationship between personality traits and happiness
January 17, 2021/in Uncategorized /by Eunice
The research report you submit will be based on an “in-class” research study that explores the relationship between “personality traits” and “happiness”.
Previous research has suggested that measures of happiness are correlated with some personality traits (Chamorro-Premuzic, Bennett, E. & Furnham, 2007). However, it may be that some personality traits are related to happiness more than others. For this assignment, you have the opportunity to explore these relationships further. Specifically, you will need to select two of the “big-five” personality domains and provide a correlational hypothesis at the end of your Introduction section that describes how the two personalities you choose might relate to “happiness”. Your hypothesis will need to be based on evidence from recent research (publications within the past 10 years). You may include the Chamorro-Premuzic reference as evidence to support your hypothesis but you should aim to provide an additional 4 (or more) recent research references in the Introduction section to provide a strong rational for your hypothesis.
The participants for your study will be your fellow classmates on the module and data for your report will be collected using Quatrics. The measure of personality traits will be made using the Ten-Item Personality Inventory (TIPI) and the measure of happiness will be made using the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire (OHQ) as outlined in the following references:
Gosling, S. D., Rentfrow, P. J., & Swann, W. B. (2003). A very brief measure of the Big-Five personality domains. Journal of Research in Personality, 37(6), 504–528.
Hills, P., & Argyle, M. (2002). The Oxford Happiness Questionnaire: A compact scale for the measurement of psychological well-being. Personality and Individual Differences, 33(7), 1073–1082.
After reporting all the information needed in the Methods section, you will need to provide information in the Results section. For this you will need to report any steps you took from getting the raw data collected to the data ready for analysis (i.e., scoring, dealing with missing data, etc.), your descriptive statistics and checks for parametric assumptions. To visualise the relationship between your variables, you will need to provide two separate “scatter plot” figures representing the two personality traits and the measure of happiness along with appropriate figure captions.
In the Discussion section provide a brief description of your findings. Because this assignment does not ask you to do an actual statistical analysis (we have not taught you to do that yet), you do not need to note if your hypothesis was supported or not. However, you will need to discuss how your findings may or may not be consistent with previous research results and if there were any methodological issues that may limit the interpretation of your findings. You may re-use references included in the Introduction section, but you can also include additional research references to strengthen the points you make. Importantly you will need to provide a clear conclusion based on what you have reported and any questions or applications to be explored next.
(Remove this text…The title of the study goes here)
(As a guide this section might be around 350+ words)
(As a guide this section might be between 300+ words)
Participants: Add text here…
Design: Add text here…
Materials: Add text here…
Procedure: Add text here…
(As a guide this section might be around 250+ words)
(As a guide this section might be between 350+ words)
(formatted and presented in the APA style)
Describe several ways social media can be of value to a practice.
January 16, 2021/in Uncategorized /by Eunice
a. Discusstheadvantagesofasocialmediapresencetoapractice.
Describe several ways social media can be of value to a practice.
b. Discussthedisadvantagesofasocialmediapresencetoapractice.
Discuss possible complications and liabilities with the use of social
media as it relates to a dental practice.
How far has the prison system come in regards to controlling crime in the UK as a whole since 1800.. for example.
January 15, 2021/in Uncategorized /by Eunice
Ethical considerations need to be addressed too.
‘ Deductive approachUK’ – top down approach
Qualitative research ( ontological position, epistemological position) construction-ism ( reality is pre-maid)
‘Inductive approach’ – bottom up approach
Whether that is to talk about why people re-offend, or why the prison system has or has not been effective since the panoptican prison (to include Beccaria and Bentham’s different perceptions about crime and deviance).
How far has the prison system come in regards to controlling crime in the UK as a whole since 1800.. for example.
It does not necessarily have to be based on this, but to have a similar link in order to make the proposal interesting and as close to link within criminality as possible.
Please may some references from the readings also be included.
Explain how children can be supported by staff,PRACTITIONER
January 15, 2021/in Uncategorized /by Eunice
Barnardo’s Locked out report
(O’Keeffe, 2013; Smith et al., 2007)
To cite this article: Julia Morgan, Caroline Leeson & Rebecca Carter Dillon (2013) How canschools support children with a parent in prison?, Pastoral Care in Education, 31:3, 199-210, DOI:10.1080/02643944.2013.788063
(Hall, 2015)
(Langford and others, 2014
Gillies, 2014)
(Dubinsky, 2012)
(Balistreri & Alvira-Hammond, 2016; Bethell, Davis, Gombojav,Stumbo, & Powers, 2017; Foster & Hagan, 2015).
(Williams et al., 2012)
-Huppert, F. A. and Ruggieri, K. (2018).
(PUTHMAN, 1989)
(King, 2003; Robertson, 2007; Murray et al., 2009; Scharff-Smith & Gampell, 2011).
(Losel et al., 2012).
(Glover, 2009)
(Scharff-Smith & Gampell, 2011)
(DCSF, 2007; SCIE, 2008)
(Morgan et al., 2013)
(Scharff-Smith & Gampell, 2011)
(Robertson, 2011, p. 51).
(SCIE, 2008)
United Nations (2011).
(Hmelo-Silver, 2004
the impact on children of parental imprisonment,
the importance of staying in contact,
how children can be supported by staff,PRACTITIONER
practitioners will develop:
-Insight into the particular importance of children’s rights, multi—agency working and safeguarding whilst delivering interventions with offenders’ families
-A refreshed understanding of the impact of offending on children and families
-The ability to incorporate the needs of offenders’ children and families into professional assessments and support plans
-Increased confidence, knowledge and skills to work directly with offenders’ children and families
-Increased knowledge of resources and services available to support offenders’ children and families
an overview of resources available,
how to raise awareness without contributing to bullying or increased stigma,
the process that children go through when they visit a prison, and
the impact visiting their parent may have on their subsequent behaviour.
Furthermore, using motivational interviewing to explore what is happening and what choices the child has to manage the situation for themselves can be helpful;