A. Explain how ELL teachers can take advantage of professional growth opportunities offered by professional organizations (e.g., TESOL) in the field of ELL and include two specific examples of what opportunities are available.
1. Identify where the specific information for each example given in part A can be found.
B. Discuss why continued professional development is important for ELL teachers, including two specific reasons why.
C. Discuss why it is important for ELL teachers to be active, contributing members of professional organizations and include two specific examples of ways you might contribute to a professional organization.
1. Explain what effects your personal contributions might have on the teaching profession.
D. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
E. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.
What are the challenges of making STEM fields more diverse and inclusive?
November 5, 2020/in Uncategorized /by Eunice
What are the challenges of making STEM fields more diverse and inclusive? Why is it important to make STEM fields more diverse and inclusive?
Evaluate the classical approaches to leadership and how these have evolved into more contemporary leadership approaches in the current business environment.
November 5, 2020/in Uncategorized /by Eunice
Evaluate the classical approaches to leadership and how these have evolved into more contemporary leadership approaches in the current business environment.
Focusing on an organisation of your choice critically evaluate their approach to leadership and analyse the impact of:
a/ leadership styles on management practice and
b/ a globalised work force on leadership and management practice
Create a Data Flow Diagram (DFD) relating the tables of your database schema through the use of graphical tools in Microsoft Visio or an open source alternative such as Dia.
November 5, 2020/in Uncategorized /by Eunice
This is an ongoing project and i have uploaded the introduction please read and build upon that in addition i have uploaded a sample paper please make sure to include all necessary diagrams.
One of the main functions of any business is to be able to use data to leverage a strategic competitive advantage. This feat hinges upon a company’s ability to transform data into quality information. The use of relational databases is a necessity for contemporary organizations; however, data warehousing has become a strategic priority due to the enormous amounts of data that must be analyzed along with the varying sources from which data comes. Since you are now the CIO of a data-collection company which gathers data by using Web analytics and operational systems, you must design a solution overview that incorporates data warehousing. The executive team needs to be clear about what data warehousing can provide the company.
Section 1: Design Document
Write a four to six (4-6) page design document in which you:
Support the need for data warehousing within your company and elaborate on the best practices that the company will adhere to.
Create a schema that supports the company’s business and processes. Explain and support the database schema with relevant arguments that support the rationale for the structure. Note: The minimum requirement for the schema should entail the tables, fields, relationships, views, and indexes.
Create an Entity-Relationship (E-R) Diagram relating the tables of your database schema through the use of graphical tools in Microsoft Visio or an open source alternative such as Dia. Note: The graphically depicted solution is not included in the required page length but must be included in the design document appendix. Explain your rationale behind the design of your E-R Diagram.
Create a Data Flow Diagram (DFD) relating the tables of your database schema through the use of graphical tools in Microsoft Visio or an open source alternative such as Dia. Note: The graphically depicted solution is not included in the required page length but must be included in the design document appendix.
Illustrate the flow of data including both inputs and outputs for the use of a data warehouse. The diagram must map data between source systems, data warehouses and specified data marts. The diagram should map data between source systems, data warehouses, and specified data marts. Note: The graphically depicted solution is not included in the required page length.
Review the assignment instructions below and click on the underlined words for information about how to craft each component of an annotation.
November 4, 2020/in Uncategorized /by Eunice
Assignment: Annotated Bibliography
Submit: Annotated Bibliography
This week culminates in your submission of an annotated bibliography that should consist of an introduction, followed by two quantitative article annotations, two qualitative article annotations, and two mixed methods article annotations for a total of six annotations, followed by a conclusion.
An annotated bibliography is a document containing selected sources accompanied by a respective annotation. Each annotation consists of a summary, analysis, and application for the purpose of conveying the relevance and value of the selected source. As such, annotations demonstrate a writer’s critical thinking about and authority on the topic represented in the sources.
In preparation for your own future research, an annotated bibliography provides a background for understanding a portion of the existing literature on a particular topic. It is also a useful precursor for gathering sources in preparation for writing a subsequent literature review.
Please review the assignment instructions below and click on the underlined words for information about how to craft each component of an annotation.
Please use the document “Annotated Bibliography Template with Example” for additional guidance.
It is recommended that you use the grading rubric as a self-evaluation tool before submitting your assignment.
By Day 7
Use the Walden library databases to search for quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research articles from peer-reviewed journals on your topic of interest.
Before you read the full article and begin your annotation, locate the methodology section in the article to be sure that it describes the appropriate research design.
For quantitative research articles, confirm that a quantitative research design, such as a quasi-experimental, casual comparative, correlational, pretest–posttest, or true experimental, was used in the study.
For qualitative research articles, confirm that a qualitative research design or approach, such as narrative, ethnographic, grounded theory, case study, or phenomenology, was used in the study.
For mixed methods research articles, confirm that a mixed methods research (MMR) design was used in the study. There are several design classifications in MMR; some examples of MMR types or families of design are parallel, concurrent, sequential, multilevel, or fully integrated mixed methods design.
Prepare an annotated bibliography that includes the following:
A one-paragraph introduction that provides context for why you selected the six research articles you did: two quantitative, two qualitative, and two MMR.
A reference list entry in APA Style for each of the six articles that follows proper formatting. Follow each reference list entry with a three-paragraph annotation that includes:
An application as illustrated in this example
An analysis
A summary
A one-paragraph conclusion that presents a synthesis of the six articles.
Format your annotated bibliography in Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced. A separate References list page is not needed for this assignment.
Submit your Annotated Bibliography.
Submission and Grading Information
To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:
Please save your Assignment using the naming convention “WK10Assgn+last name+first initial. (extension)” as the name.
Click the Week 10 Assignment Rubric to review the Grading Criteria for the Assignment.
Click the Week 10 Assignment link. You will also be able to “View Rubric” for grading criteria from this area.
Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK10Assgn+last name+first initial. (extension)” and click Open.
If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database.
Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.
Ben-Natan, M., Sharon, I., Barbashov, P., Minasyan, Y., Hanukayev, I., Kajdan, D., & Klein, K. A. (2014). Risk Factors for Child Abuse: Quantitative Correlational Design. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 29(3), 220–227. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.1016/j.pedn.2013.10.009
Finlay, J. M., & Kobayashi, L. C. (2018). Social isolation and loneliness in later life: A parallel convergent mixed-methods case study of older adults and their residential contexts in the Minneapolis metropolitan area, USA. Social Science & Medicine, 208, 25–33. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2018.05.010
Hebert, S., Bor, W., Swenson, C. C., & Boyle, C. (2014). Improving collaboration: A qualitative assessment of inter-agency collaboration between a pilot Multisystemic Therapy Child Abuse and Neglect (MST-CAN) program and a child protection team. Australasian Psychiatry, 22(4), 370–373. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.1177/1039856214539572
Walton, T. (2016). Using a Mixed Methods Approach to Investigate University Student Success after Support Service Interaction: A Case Study and Analysis. Journal of the Australian & New Zealand Student Services Association, 48, 38–48.
Referring to a nursing theorist: state how their theory will influence and guide you as you progress through the educational process of obtaining a BSN.
November 3, 2020/in Uncategorized /by Eunice
A Personal Philosophy of Nursing paper will be written using APA format describing the student’s present view of nursing. No abstract is needed, but the paper must include introduction and conclusion paragraphs per APA guidelines. The title page and reference page are not to be included in the page count. The paper must not exceed four pages. Level headers are required according to APA guidelines-if you are unfamiliar with the use of level headers please review or ask.
Students will submit the paper electronically using the drop box in Canvas. It is recommended that students keep a clean copy of their paper for their professional portfolios.
Papers will be graded according to the Philosophy of Nursing Paper Grading Rubric. Students must address all items in totality in order to receive full points.
References: 3 referencesare to be included in the paper. References must be of a professional level and cited in the paper using APA format. Of note – Wikipedia is not a professional reference. Examples of professional references include professional journals, text books, and/or professional websites. If you are unsure if a reference is acceptable to use contact faculty or other resources: librarian and writing specialist.
Mechanics: Sentence structure, typographical errors, spelling, and grammar will be evaluated according to the paper’s rubric.
Items to be addressed in the paper:
Bellin College’s values must be addressed in the paper. It is your determination where the college’s values are most reflective and apply to your philosophy of nursing.
Referring to a nursing theorist: state how their theory will influence and guide you as you progress through the educational process of obtaining a BSN.
Referring to a definition of nursing > please do not use the definition from a dictionary >ANA and other sources have professional nursing definitions > summarize the definition and state what the definition means to you as a future Registered Nurse.
Choose an influential current nurse leader > there are many choices to chose from: board of nursing member, congressperson, military, nurse theorist, personal choice of a nurse who has influenced you > state how he/she has made an impact on the nursing profession.
What is your vision for the future of the nursing profession?
Identify at least three (3) unique characteristics of criminal justice agencies that align them with the bureaucratic management style.
November 2, 2020/in Uncategorized /by Eunice
Criminal justice agencies most closely align with the bureaucratic management style of the organizational theories discussed in this week’s assigned reading. While the word “bureaucracy” is typically associated with most governmental agencies, criminal justice agencies are esecially prone to this label.
In your initial post, identify at least three (3) unique characteristics of criminal justice agencies that align them with the bureaucratic management style. As part of your post discuss the reasons why these characteristics are unique to criminal justice agencies.
*****The discussion questions have been designed so that a response of approximately 700 words is typically needed to fully address the subject.
Also with content in mind, please remember that each post must have referenced support, so that we go beyond only unsupported opinion
Devise a strategy for transforming the non-evidence-based treatment into an evidence-based treatment by integrating a specific psychological theory with new or existing research.
October 15, 2020/in Psychology, Uncategorized /by Eunice
Prior to beginning work on this journal, please read Chapter 13 in History and Philosophy of Psychology. This journal invites you to engage in creative thinking regarding the future potential for non-evidence-based treatments. Research one of the non-evidence-based treatments from the Chung (2012) e-book, summarize views of this treatment within its historical context, and relate these views to at least one modern theoretical perspective on psychopathology. Devise a strategy for transforming the non-evidence-based treatment into an evidence-based treatment by integrating a specific psychological theory with new or existing research.
Write 1-2 paragraphs discussing additional research that describes individuals, communities, other issues etc. that are affected by your topic.
October 14, 2020/in Uncategorized /by Eunice
Clinical Practice Project (CPP) Research: Module 3
Assignment Objectives:
• Extend academic experience into areas of nursing practice interest, working with new ideas, issues, organizations, and individuals.
• Demonstrate the ability to think and act critically and creatively about nursing practice issues.
• Develop analytical and ethical leadership skills necessary to address and help solve these issues.
• Utilize evidence based research and demonstrate proficiency in written and communication skills.
Assignment Instructions:
This week you are going to respond to the last questions that will help you complete your project, discuss EBP and further research, and identify stakeholders and resources. Lastly, you will give an overall update of your project.
Last week you answered the following questions:
1. What are the scope, duration, and history of the problem?
2. What data is available to describe the problem?
3. What are the implications of the problem?
4. How does/will your selected organization support your topic?
This week you should be able to answer the following questions:
1. What are the gaps in the existing data?
2. What types of additional research might be useful?
3. Who are your stakeholders?
4. What are you needed resources?
In the template below you will answer the last several questions above. Your answers should be based on supporting evidence. You may need to review the information from your EBP course. Be attentive to the instructions and remember you are professional nurses; writing and thought processes should be indicative of scholarly writing.
This week’s assignment is the first of five assignments to complete your Clinical Practice Project (CPP). Each weekly assignment will build upon the last one. It is very important that you follow the directions carefully and review your teachers document/grading rubric for comments so that you can improve each week.
To complete this assignment type in the boxes below, the boxes will expand as you type. Be sure to save your document frequently. Points will be deducted for incomplete work, spelling/grammar errors, lack of thought and use of abbreviations. All content must be in your own words, not directly quoted; however you must provide supportive details by using in text citations (Journal Article references at the end of the form-please see your rubric for an explanation of refereed Journals). This assignment is worth 25 points…be sure your work reflects 25 points.
fiil out the following sections of the attached worksheet
What are the gaps in the existing data? Write 1-2 paragraphs related to your selected problem. Your paragraph(s) should be professionally written, single spaced with APA formatted citations and references (there is a reference textbox at the end of this form. Use it for your references). You may need to look back at your Evidence-based Nursing Textbook for some help.
What types of additional research might be useful? Write 1-2 paragraphs discussing additional research that describes individuals, communities, other issues etc. that are affected by your topic. Your paragraph(s) should be professionally written, single spaced with APA formatted citations and references (there is a reference textbox at the end of this form. Use it for your references). Be sure the research relates to your problem
Identify Stakeholders: Write 1-2 paragraphs identifying the key stakeholders to your problem with supporting examples. Individuals or groups that are directly or indirectly influenced by the problem or solution are the stakeholders. In some cases the stakeholders are obvious; however in some cases stakeholders can be developed. Your paragraph(s) should be professionally written, single spaced with APA formatted citations and references (there is a reference textbox at the end of this form. Use it for your references).
Discuss the case of Simkins v. Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital.
October 14, 2020/in Uncategorized /by Eunice
discuss the case of Simkins v. Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital. Include how licensing laws may be used positively or negatively and incorporate Paul Tillich’s relational issues of love, power and justice.