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Assignment Brief: Write the plan of your search strategy for your Undergraduate Major Project, using the approved search strategy plan template. You should include details of the method you used to search the literature when researching your choice of one

Assignment Brief:

Write the plan of your search strategy for your Undergraduate Major Project, using the approved search strategy plan template. You should include details of the method you used to search the literature when researching your choice of one of the following organisations (or an organisation/service agreed with the module lead).

The search strategy plan should provide an outline of how you undertook your literature search, presented in a systematic manner. You should include references to the relevant sources identified during your search.



To pass this assignment, you must satisfactorily complete all elements of the search strategy plan template. You must show the ability to:

  • Develop a systematic approach to searching for literature/evidence
  • Use the search strategy effectively, including qualitative and quantitative data and journal articles
  • Identify appropriate academic sources to support your research
  • Situate your sources within the Hierarchy of Sources (located on the VLE)
  • Demonstrate the ability to use Harvard referencing correctly


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