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Learning Outcomes  1.Critically evaluate the management of change within health and social care 2.Critically analyze the cause, process, and impact of strategic change 3.Identify

Learning Outcomes 

1.Critically evaluate the management of change within health and social care

2.Critically analyze the cause, process, and impact of strategic change

3.Identify and critically evaluate the philosophies and competencies of effective strategies utilized when managing change

4. Critically examine change management and leadership practices in the sector to identify best practice in health and social care work


Assessment Brief

The written work for this module will be based upon your workplace and the sector as a case study, you will be expected to relate theory to practice throughout this assignment.

Typical content for this module will include:

  • The theories of change
  • Typical change drivers
  • The impact of change
  • The skills needed to lead and/or manage a change


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