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Individual Presentation (with Commentary of 1000 words) Present a viable and substantial research topic in your pathway area with an appropriate plan for delivery. Your extended research presentation should critically explore the literature review of your research idea, evaluate an ethically com

Assignment 1 Brief

Individual Presentation (with Commentary of 1000 words)

Present a viable and substantial research topic in your pathway area with an appropriate plan for delivery. Your extended research presentation should critically explore the literature review of your research idea, evaluate an ethically compliant methodology.

  1. Identify and develop a viable and substantial research topic for sustained individual study, in your pathway area, with an appropriate plan for delivery.
  2. Critically evaluate an ethically compliant methodology and explore relevant data collection techniques.


Assignment 2 Brief

Reflective Essay, Word count: 1500 words

Write a critically reflective account of the potential research outcomes and the significance of possible contributions of your research study.

LO3 Reflect critically on the potential research outcomes and the significance of possible contributions.


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