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Theoretical Framework 20 -Identify the (dimensions) for (X1) with its Articles citation -Identify the (dimensions) for (X2) with its Articles citation -Identify the (dimensions) for (Y) with its Articles citation Operational Definitions 10 -Full Definitions for (X1) & all its dimensions& its Articles citation -Full Definitions for (X2) & all its dimensions& its Articles citation -Full Definitions for (Y) & all its dimensions& its Articles citation -Full description of your chosen Industry& its references Literature Re

(Weightage: 35 Marks)
Assignment Research Project Guidelines:
1- Evaluation not over the numbers of words rather than the meaningful ideas.
2- Last date of submission: 14-April-2021.
3- Submission (Softcopy on LMS) +(Plagiarism should bellow 15, above 20 to be rejected)
4- File submitted Should be ONLY “Word” Format (All contents should be “TEXT” only)
5- All References (ARTICLES) should be added to “MENDELEY” following “APA”
Assignment Research Project Instructions
Minimum content should cover the following (see the appendix):
2-Theoretical Framework (3 sections: each section should cove one variable)
3-Operational Definitions (comprehensive definition for each variable & dimension)
4-Literature Review (4 sections: each section should cove one hypothesis) (4 Articles to each section)
5-Problem Statement and Research Gab
6-Methodology and research design
Appendix (Research Assignment Structure)
Component % Description
Introduction 10 Give a comprehensive knowledge to your topic that cover & link between (X1) & (X2) & (Y) & your chosen Industry
Theoretical Framework 20 -Identify the (dimensions) for (X1) with its Articles citation
-Identify the (dimensions) for (X2) with its Articles citation
-Identify the (dimensions) for (Y) with its Articles citation
Operational Definitions 10 -Full Definitions for (X1) & all its dimensions& its Articles citation
-Full Definitions for (X2) & all its dimensions& its Articles citation
-Full Definitions for (Y) & all its dimensions& its Articles citation
-Full description of your chosen Industry& its references
Literature Review (this is the main body of the research assignment) (cite only articles) (follow the same style of the articles) 50 Review & summarize & paraphrase all main ideas from previous articles (References Articles) that directly related to your research topic as follows:
-First Paragraph (relationship & impact of X1 on X2):
Full explanation to Relationship (X1-dimensions) with (X2-dimensions) in your Industry, which support first hypothesis.
-Second Paragraph (relationship & impact of X1 on Y):
Full explanation to Relationship (X1-dimensions) with (Y-dimensions) in your Industry, which support second hypothesis. -Third Paragraph (relationship & impact of X2 on Y):
Full explanation to Relationship (X2-dimensions) with (Y-dimensions) in your Industry, which support third hypothesis.
-Fourth Paragraph (relationship & impact of X1 & X2 on Y):
Full explanation to Relationship (X1-dimensions) with (X2-dimensions) with (Y-dimensions) in your Industry, which support forth hypothesis.
Research problem statement (Justify why this research is important & describe the contribution that may add to the knowledge) 10 -Put the problem in context (what do we already know?)
-Describe the critical issues that the research will address (what do we need to know?)
-Show the relevance of the problem (why do we need to know it?)
-Set the objectives of the research (what will you do to find out?)
Research Model provided Model Structure: Variables & Dimensions & Industry
Research Hypotheses provided The claim that you try to prove throughout your research
Methodology & Design) Extra Type of conducting the research
Population and Sample Extra -Describe in detail and accurate numbers the component of Population, & why you choose it.
-Describe Sample type & size & justify why to use it.
-Describe & justify your target respondents (Unit of Analysis) within your sample
Data Collection method (Questionnaire) optional Finding the Questionnaire from the ARTICLES (show it to me before you use it)
Data collecting optional (Online Survey) Distribute Questionnaire to respondents & fill data into
Excel sheet (around150~200) (consult me before you do)
Data Analysis (DescriptX1e analysis, hypotheses testing) optional (Additional marks) Smart PLS Statistical tests (Correlation & Regression) (consult me before you do)
Results Discussion optional Critically discussing and summarizing the results of hypotheses testing
Conclusion and Recommendations optional Summary of the main achievements through the entire research journey
References list Deduct should be added to “MENDELEY” following “APA” format
Research Model
Research Hypotheses (Null Hypotheses)
H1: (X1) has no Impact on (X2) at (your chosen Industry) H2: (X1) has no Impact on (Y) at (your chosen Industry).
H3: (X2) has no Impact on (Y) at (your chosen Industry).
H4: (X1) has no Impact on (Y) through (X2) at (your chosen Industry).


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