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Topic: Beam Alignment in 5G mm Wave mobile systems. This project will investigate beam alignment in mm-wave mobile systems. These systems are an important component of the anticipated next phase of 5G mobile communications, and have huge potential to deliver vastly increased data rates. The beam alignment problem is very challenging because electro-magnetic beams are extremely narrow

Topic: Beam Alignment in 5G mm Wave mobile systems.
This project will investigate beam alignment in mm-wave mobile systems. These systems are an important component of the anticipated next phase of 5G mobile communications, and have huge potential to deliver vastly increased data rates. The beam alignment problem is very challenging because electro-magnetic beams are extremely narrow at mm-wave frequencies, and are required at both at the transmitter and the receiver, to overcome the enormous path-loss inherent at mm-wave frequencies. It is rather like looking for a needle in a haystack. This project will use Matlab to explore two new approaches, one called optimized two stage search (OTSS), and the other called iterative deactivation and beam switching (IDBS).
• Preliminary thesis report or thesis report are aimed to capture your progress and findings relative to the time spent on the project work
• Thesis A has about 10 productive weeks, so expected effort is equivalent to 20 hours/week ? 10 weeks
• Preliminary Thesis Report for Thesis A is expected to have 7,500-10,000 words or equivalent. This is approximately 18-22 pages of 12pt single line spaced content, excluding preliminary pages, and appendices.
• As part of the Thesis A unit, you are expected to thoroughly comprehend the scope and objectives of your project, the broader context around the project, and its implications. Your preliminary report should demonstrate this understanding, and present detailed literature review on the topic. The nature of literature review will vary in the context of your individual projects, so this should be discussed with your supervisor.
• Prelim. Thesis Report is expected to three major components:
• Detailed and critical review of associated literary and scholarly works (this can include available approaches, methods previously used, comparisons, critique on limitations, limitations surrounding methods, developments in recent years and current state-of-the-art)
• Methodology and approach that is planned for conducting the research (this can include describing methods, techniques, software knowledge, mathematical modelling, or similar skills… and how/why they can be applied in the project)
• Progress and achievements so far in their project. This components is where the students are expected to demonstrate that they have acquired the necessary skills and confidently comprehend the methodology and approach to proceed with the research. These can include, but not limited to, implementation of a preliminary model, early studies or formalization of hypotheses surrounding the research questions, early design of experimental setups, identification of use cases, initial CAD models, first attempts at algorithms etc. etc.
• This report is a formal report, so it is expected to be professionally formatted and thoroughly proof read at your end. Ensure that references are adequate and credit is given where due. Figures are expected to be of high quality and tables/graphs should be reasonable presented to lead the reader through information, and not simply a dump of raw data.


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