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**There are 2 responses. Write a 100 word response for each

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**There are 2 responses. Write a 100 word response for each one. Response 1: Ronald Leaders are trained not born. Leadership requires development and is achieved by an individual that believes in developing his/her craft. Learning the language of a leader takes time as well. According to Clawson, “Language is the primary implementation tool of leaders. (2012).” Like any other language, the language of a leader isn’t always clear. A leader must understand his audience and possess the ability to communicate and illustrate their vision. There are four attributes that govern effective leadership: clarity, stimulation, congruency, and respect. The leader must be able to clarify their purpose clearly to avoid misdirection. Stimulation must take place because in order for the message to stick. Leaders usually learn how to motivate from previous leaders for example coaches, teachers, parents, and other inspirational leaders. Congruency is my favorite attribute. Congruency is important because followers must understand that you mean what you say. A man’s word is everything! If an individual can’t trust their leader’s word, than how can they be loyal? Leaders must learn to avoid false promises. A leader that doesn’t come through for his followers is an opponent instead of an ally. The word “I’ll try” is far better than saying “I will” when a leader is uncertain. Respect is a pet peeve to most followers because they already feel inferior to leaders. However, if they feel unappreciated or disrespected it can result in the lack of motivation or productivity. According to Matthew 15:14, “Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch (Matthew 15:14, King James Version).” In connection to scripture, the leaders that are unaware of how to lead will run an organization to the ground. ReferencesClawson, J. (2012). Level Three Leadership: getting below the surface. Virginia: Pearson Response 2: KaylaAt my current job, I have witness servant leadership. In the past, I almost always encountered positions under leaders who just ‘call the shot.’ They are not available to lend a helping hand, but express great demands on what they need done. They do not bother with training or helping, instead they just use another employee for that. Now, I am at a place where I have been one-on-one trained by my supervisor. Not only that but if we need to take off for family emergencies and she is available, she works in our place (putting her work aside) to make sure the clinic runs smoothly. Even when she conducts meetings, she allows everyone a chance to voice their ideas and opinions. I can remember a job I had two years ago, I better not ever suggest anything that was different from what my supervisor believed. Servant leadership is important. Not only does it makes the loads of other employees easier to bear, but it speaks volumes of the leaders character. Although there are times I would love to make more money, I find it hard to actually think about leaving because I am scared that I probably will not have a supervisor that is as understanding and caring as the one I have now. I enjoy being able to communicate with her without the fear of her shutting down everything I have to say. I am not saying that she does not have rules set in place that I must follow, but she is very approachable. When the supervisor is approachable and supports their employees, the effort of the employees will match. There may even be a decrease in employee turnover.

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